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op 763

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bro we eating good tonight boys


The legends people talk about for the Emperors in the New World 1. Never ever touch one of Whitebeard's men. 2. If it's One on One Kaido will win. 3. Even the Devil must come if invited to Big Mom's Tea Party. I wonder what would people say about Shanks or Blackbeard since they're emperors too?

Ruben Lopez

The legend of Sanji just beginning. Vinsmoke vinsmoke


It's food for my soul when the crew members declare Luffy as the next King of the Pirates 🔥


Been waiting for this reveal for so long lol That thing Vito does is the same way Kakyoin violated that cherry in stardust crusaders But man, I hate this for my guy Sanji. This whole ass series he’s been catching L’s left and right. Mocked for his dream, almost died a stowaway as a kid and saved by the pirate who killed all his friends, and it even cost him a leg, so he gets to grow up feeling guilty and indebted just for living. Went to make a big play in Enies Lobby, slumped and made a joke by Kalifa. Turned into a fkn penguin dog zombie in thriller bark. At least Zoro’s no-navigational-sense-having ass got a human zombie. But nah, I guess nothing happened. Done dirty with the wanted poster, slapped into the timeskip in Saobody. Here everyone’s living it up, usopp is eating his weight in spaghetti, Nami is manipulating old fogeys, luffy is having a blast fighting kaijus on a tropical island, Robin… okay Robin had it rough tbf but seriously, sanji is literally trapped in his actual own personal hell for years. At least Robin got out of her situation with the quickness and went to meet up with the army folks and kick it with sabo and koala. Sanji had to sleep with one eye open for years, my guy had a relapse when he came back shit was so bad. Surely it gets better post-skip right? Nope. Fishman island, finally found his all blue! Almost dies and has to be saved by his actual tormentors from New Kama. Punk hazard, tries to step to Vergo and gets his femur cracked. Dressrossa, finally finds the love of his life like senor pink, so happy he wants to leave the crew for her, fkn honeypot to set him up. Tries to step to doffy and… yeah that was never gonna end well. Shit was going well in Zou for a bit there, got to be the hero and garchu all he wants with the furries. But no, they all get jumped and kidnapped by Capone. Now he finally has an in to a love life with basically a pirate princess, and he can’t even think about wanting it bc it would fuck his crew so badly, plus whatever’s going on with his family. He sure didn’t look happy to hear that name Maybe, just maybe… maybe this one time sanji can finally catch a W. Maybe he goes and she’s bad af and actually perfect for him, and somehow shit works out with the crew, and he gets to be happy for even a little bit. I mean, surely my guy is due for a good turn sooner or later… right? Please?


Fire episode with the Fire Tanks. I did not remember Vito's laugh went that hard lol.

Francisco Torres

Even the devil dont want that big mom smoke lol


Shanks: "Don't try." (judging by the look in the admirals faces, when he ended the war)


bro hus's theory with why big mom wants sanji to be the husband is crazy lmfaaao "come kick my daughter in the face a thousand times and make her transform"


Sanji gets his Wins when he saves his friends... so I cant agree with your sentiment.


Probably that you can't spill beer on Shanks anymore and that Blackbeard got the most drip.


We know Shanks's from chapter one. "Don't you ever touch his friends" It's crazy how true this statement is from everything we saw from shanks

The Pebble

There's so much Caesar could have done here lmfao


But Sanji, like a true gentleman, never hits the ladies, so it would not work!


Shanks doesn't care about spilling beer on him. He cares about his friends getting hurt, it's definitely why Luffy feels so strongly about it.


Don’t worry, sanji is gonna be alright. It’ll get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. Watch him and support him. Trust me.