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vs 2x12

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God Enel

Bro idk but if he sends thorkell. My god its about to get lit


The hype is insane rn


Thorgil vs Thorkel needs to happen bruh they both live for war. And Thorgil displaying this amount of strength is interesting. Since Snake taught him everything, this might mean that Snake is even stronger than him. And if Thorfinn decides to defend the farm with all his strength, Canute's army might get clapped bad.


Thorgill’s voice actor sounded familiar. Thats Morel from Hunter x Hunter!


And of course, Canute is Giorno from JoJo part 5!

Andrew shultz

I have a feeling Bug Eye Thorfinn is the one exception to the rule where Thor in your name = problem lol. He seemed pretty similar to Olmar.


Well, Olmar finally got what he always wanted. Judging by how despondent he looks, burying his face in has hands at the end there, it seems like it was everything he ever dreamed of. Good thing he listened to Fox, clearly so intelligent and worldly a man, outright brimming with wisdom and advice. Probably why his boss had to rearrange his face so he’d learn not to run his mouth about shit he doesn’t know dick all about and act a damn fool all the time lmao