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op 746

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Ruben Lopez

Aye my guy Lucci! Favorite villain. Wasn't expecting a double, man y'all the best fr, enjoy the weekend fellas


Yup lucci is back and might as well make him yonko lvl for relevancy I guess

Chris D. Jones

Man lately the discussion been longer love it


The ending is a introduction to filler episodes. Just ignore it


Fire discussion. So much in this episode, Lucci, Doflamingo talking to tsuru, sengoku and fuji chilling, the king talking about the reverie, Captain Jack, the bounties, pure hype. Also I never noticed the mug of the guy you called, "The Undertaker" that's a cool detail. Also your tsuru impersonation starting to get too good watch out heatah lol

Lord Precht

My niggas!!!! Much appreciated! Also glad to see the longer discussions back.


Lmao the discussion is hilarious as always , love seeing the impersonation of doflamingo and Luffy 😆 🤣


Ussopp gained a higher jump from his notoriety gained during dressrosa, sanji is known as a threat since envies lobby so they know his strength and the whole alive only thing too. Poor chopper classified as a pet


Not sure if you know already or not, but the discount Akainu y'all saw at the end eating ore is just a filler character from the filler episodes you skipped Also, not Hus calling Robin's robin drawing signature a rooster 😭😂


It is a rooster though haha because she calls Bartolomeo "Roosterhead" or "Rooster-kun" due to his hair


Oh my god, idk how it missed that💀i thought for sure it was Robin being cute with her signature but that makes so much sense


Usopp told them to build a statue of him and they really listened. Doflamingo broadcast him as the highest bounty to the whole island including Fujitora and the navy, above even Luffy and Law. The entire Tontatta race worships him as a legendary hero and even named the straw hats after him. He knocked out the biggest problem child twice and even got observation haki. This arc was a massive W for him, it’s only fitting that he not only got his own (real) poster finally, not a background shot in luffy’s or one as his alter ego, but that it came with a fire title like God Usopp and a huge bounty to boot. Hope you guys are keeping track of all his lies btw. First Broggy and Dory slayed the giant goldfish with the island sized turds on little garden, now he’s gone right past captain straight to God status. Still working on the 8,000 men under him, but hey, 5,600 is a pretty good start haha


I like to think she's still being cute by drawing a rooster 😄 She may have a dark sense of humor, but we all know she likes the kawaii shit lol

DIO not Dio

Only time this was lowkey done was Croc losing to Alabasta Luffy but after a few arcs in prison he could clash with Mihawk and Doffy. Only case I can think of atm, One Piece mostly does a great job at keeping weak characters relevant.


Crocodile goes from losing to the weakest form of luffy to admiral/yonko lvl just from being locked up? Nah that’s just shitty writing man mha does a great job at keeping weak characters relevant oda pulling some dbs bs if your gonna bring back old characters at least show us the training they went through to get that strong instead oda just sprinkles some conquerors, kings, and awakening and calls it a day


Crocodile wasn't even considered that weak though. He became a warlord and fought Whitebeard at one point (and lost; at Marineford Crocodile was mad at Whitebeard for letting Squard stab him because he knows Whitebeard isn't weak like that). I think Croco lost to Alabasta level Luffy due to Luffy's crazy luck, the fact he underestimated all the Straw Hats repeatedly, and he relied so heavily on his logia fruit until Luffy was able discern his weakness without the need for haki. Even Alabasta level Luffy is by far better at physical hand to hand than Crocodile. It's like Pekoms said on Fishman Island, logia users often die young because they think they're invincible... until they meet someone who can overcome their abilities.