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op 734

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How they get the lucy merch out so fast LOL. The strawhats really come to these countries and say "damn...ya'll really live like this?" LOL


Lmao this episode had me shedding tears but then you'd make me laugh out loud lmaoo, kyros finally crying after 10 years is going to cry a river


Guys Please don't listen to the title card on Ep 739. it has a big spoiler... gonna post this every ep until then...sorry 😂


Damn. More animation in the crying than the previous episode. Still loved this arc even with the bad pacing and animation tho.


Sadly pacing will always be an issue with Toei. If you ever feel like rewatching, give OnePace a try. I feel like a bot for promoting it this much: But they even continued doing their thing after one of them literally got snatched by the FBI. They are real troopers. Totally worth it for the Fujitora entrance alone. "Please step aside, young man." [opens hole to the abyss] "Aight, I'm out." No warping, no staring, just 20 seconds of pure ownage. It's perfect...!


Hus' observation haki is on Eneru level, bruh. How tf did he spot the Lucy merch? And that fast on top of that?


That comment about the Lucy merch had me dying


Also where TF has Sanji been. Did I miss something?


Dang I want to see Doffy's eyes now too. Also want to know who's making Lucy shirts while the birdcage was happening lol


One thing I love is that they very rarely strictly just look at the subtitles, they do a great job of reading quickly and then actually looking at the anime itself. I find myself struggling with that a lot where I just stick to the subtitles and only really watch the animation during non-dialogue scenes haha


Well, Lucy was fighting in the Colosseum way before the birdcage happened. Remember, Lucy was already a favorite when their respective group (was it group 3??) fighting - having knocked out a well known pirate and Conqueror Haki user Don Chinjao. Not to mention, Lucy actually won the tournament and ate the Flare fruit - all before the birdcage was activated. Given how crazy Dressrosians are with gladiators in the Colosseum, is it any surprise that they got the Lucy merchandise out so quickly? And besides, it is just the name, no logo or face, etc. 😂 Someone was trying to make a quick buck based on pure hype!


Bruh Sanji, Chopper, Brook, Momo, and Nami have been gone for like 20-30+ episodes because of the big mom pirates haha LOL


Ah that's true I forgot the Colosseum fights are what probably drove the merch. but dang they must have started right away lmao. Hopefully they start putting out Luffy merch like they did with Kuma :)


It's so relieving to hear that classic happy one piece tune at the end of each arc. One Piece's happy music is so much better than the rest of its tracks in my opinion.


dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is... dah vinner is...


If I wanst attracted to woman and be a little person I would still feel that valley was my home