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op 731

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Damn I kinda thinking of that “adult part of the story” Oda mentioned


To be fair those girls wasted a good 2 minutes for Luff dawg lmao just cause Mingo's sadistic as hell


How did Rebecca beat Rolling Logan but Logan tanked Doflamingo 3 times and still wanted more can we dump Rebecca and get with Logan fr also wtf those Marines did not have black blades like that in the manga lmao. Haki on a blade is different then having a black blade.


Bro the conversation after the episode had me rolling, my man’s said one of violas attack was just simply “Dang” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Heatah was especially savage this episode!! You guys laughing at Rebecca and Viola was hilarious 😂😂 And the post episode discussion was A1!! One Piece, being targeted at a young male audience (shounen) instead of a mature audience (seinen), Oda is very hesitant to write deaths...I am sure Heatah wouldn't mind adding a few more as he said in the post discussion 🤣Really enjoyed the discussion!


Mingo when the dressrossans thought they stopped the birdcage with perseverance and the power of community: That… doesn’t work! Also, you guys have to remember, Rebecca was prepared to throw her young life away in the coliseum for even a fraction of a chance to get hands on the flare-flare, just so she could kill Doflamingo. We’ve seen this from her time and time again, first the coliseum, then diamanté, now with mingo. Rebecca wants him and his dead and gone. He has pushed her to the limit for over a decade and taken damn near everything from her, and this is her Arlong Park moment, like when Nami had a mental breakdown and started stabbing herself out of sheer rage and helplessness. Say what you will about Rebecca, but she came here knowing she didn’t have hands for him. She ain’t no ho, but she still had to try, bc he has to die. Only problem is, she couldn’t see him even if she had the damn glare-glare. She’s far too gentle and kind a soul for that kind of viciousness and violence, like Kyros said. She never stood a chance against the most wicked puppet master in all the seas. But her principles didn’t let her just run away without at least trying. It may have been foolish, but you have to admire the gall, or respect the bravery, or some shit, like damn. Ol girl has worse hands than Usopp but still more balls lmao


I'm cool with her. I still have hopes for her in the future. She remains the only one, that dodged CrazyCabbage, who downed some heavy hitters in a blink. I kinda file her with Shirahoshi in the "potentionally badass" folder. That and boobies...!


@Ben, facts. She's gonna be whole problem if she's developing her haki and decides to cut people for real, if it's for the greater good. And she's only 16. Rebecca would destroy 16 year old Luffy and Zoro, she's literally a prodigy.


Luffy started his journey at 17 and was dropping fools left and right, Rebecca ain't beating Arlong, Krieg, or Crocodile like this that's all I'm saying. Also 16 yr old Zoro is dropping her easy


I agree with everything but Ussop having hands. He has never swung sword nor his fists a day in his life, lmao. I feel like Rebecca has better hands due to her training. But that's beside the point of your post of course :P


Nah fam, you have to keep in mind how weak East blue was. I could honestly see Rebecca saving Nami’s village if she had actually been taught to fight lol. At this point, the best she could do is dodge eternally. Even basic observation haki is still good lol.


They the best look when the marines pull out the black blades. This episode was clown shoes for real lol


Heatah said "Slash!" lmao He was like cut your auntie, I bet you won't!


I know, that was especially funny! Heatah can be a savage at times! 😂😂


Those aren’t black blades, those are just blades infused with armament haki, Mihawk has a black blade. So it’s not a clown show just an actual capability with practice


Thanks Jordan, at least somebody is paying attention. Imagine nobody in the Marine (in the new World) could use Haki , that would be a clown show


I have to give respect to Rebecca and Viola for trying lol it's more than a lot of people in the birdcage would do, and they managed to stall Doffy a bit at the very least.


At least they tried