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VS 2X6

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thanks bru appreciate it bruhhh


Glad yal back


Einar's face! lmao he was crushed. Like we been doing all this and you never thought we're friends???


Such a nice, wholesome episode! I really loved it! And your commentary was hilarious 😂😂


I think thorfinn just had a flashback of askeladd cause the speed and attack was at that level and thorfinn and snake are different classes of fighters... Only comparison I saw. That's just me


Thorfinn’s soft, quiet smile when Einar told him he has a friend could warm the cockles of the coldest demon’s heart, I swear to Christ. For someone who was so brutally violent and unrepentant for so long, it’s pretty wild to see him having become this pacifistic, apathetic shell. I can’t think of many characters you can empathize with when they genuinely smile for the first time after watching them commit so many atrocities to so many innocents their entire life. Pretty god tier writing on Yukimura’s part It’s interesting too, we the viewer have this image of Thorfinn in our minds of this extremely capable, unfuckwithable warrior, but as Einar points out, the reality of the situation is that Thorfinn is largely useless in civilian life. He has basically no practical skills for survival in a normal setting, which is strange considering what a survivor he is himself. It’s like Einar says, he can’t even grow his own food. He has to rely on others to feed him. Before Einar showed up, he didn’t even know how best to put his muscles to use, he was just chopping down trees aimlessly. He really is like a baby, finally returned to the form of innocence we see at the start of S1. A rather fitting thematic fresh start for my guy, which he clearly so desperately needs Also, it’s almost scary how much he looks like his mother when he has his hair down after washing up at Sverkel’s house. The same gentle features and everything. Very subtle but brilliant character design, and something we see a few times. Like how Einar and Thorfinn grow beards to imply the passage of time. Classic show, not tell


Lol gramps low-key down to die fighting to reach vallhalla


I think Thorfinn would hunt when he was with Askeladd and co. Though I remember he had a proper meal with Canute and Ragner when they cooked the rabbit he had caught!