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last of us 3

Watch "last of us 3" on Streamable.


DIO not Dio

lesgooooo, the quad drop. I loved this episode and the direction they went with Bill and Frank. In the game their fate is darker. Due to this episode I actually gave a damn about Bill, cuz in the game he's like Joel 2.0 but more snarkier. I seen some peeps complain about him not having his funny interactions with Ellie but c'mon nowwwwww... look at the beautiful backstory we got instead. Edit: Oh and besides the funny interactions with Bill and Ellie, this section of the duo traveling through the Bill's town was way more action packed in the game. Hella infected and the truck ride on the way out was not as peaceful lmao. The fleshing out of Bill more than makes up for that tho.

Jack SV

Don’t care if I get hate but this episode was pointless tbh.

God Enel

My friend said that and i don't understand, it was an amazing episode of tv. Telling a great story doesn't need a point. In the game they just fought some stuff to get the truck. This was better we are getting more action later.


Setting a tone and drawing a contrast to previous episodes are not pointless. Showing how people survive and interact with the terrible circumstances they find themselves in is the entire point of the series.


damn this episode man...sad af. That note left by Bill at the end was fantastic.

Mario Prime Plays

Something to note, in 2003 gay marriage wasn't legal, it wouldn't be until 2004. So them getting married carries a lot more weight due to the cultural stigma at the time. I'm sure it took a lot in them to even choose to get married.


Wow great catch Mario! Massachusetts didn't legalize it until 2004...that def. does make the scene so much more emotional.


Nah I think his daughter had a poster of Beyonce up lol


with the changes to the timeline with everything starting in 2003, the line "getting older means we're still here" has a lot more meaning to a couple of older gay men. they would have grown up in the AIDS epidemic and seen many fellow queer people, especially other gay men, die young and seen most of society not even care about it. i love this episode so much


oh also the behind the scenes video confirmed that Frank had Parkinson's Disease, and that's why his health and coordination deteriorated like it did

Chris D. Jones

I hate when y’all discussion get cut short. It always sound like u about to get deep into the episode and I be hooked. Then I’m wondering why do I hear the music they still talking


this portion of the game serves only to get joel a truck, it would have been much more pointless and boring to adapt it exactly as it was in-game. this episode helped to progress the story emotionally and get joel to understand that he should care about others. but you probably only care about watching people or zombies violently killed so


Hahaha Heatah with the 'It's a jungle down there' and telling Hus he can't appreciate the strawberry scene got me lmao. (I'm with you Hus.) I loved the way they expanded on these characters, don't get the chance in the game even tho it's its own experience. Seeing someone actually have a decent little life in all this dreary shit was pretty touching, especially when we know from the first few eps not everyone gets that chance or the choice to go out how they want.


Frank was being brutalized by Parkinson’s, the same thing Michael J. Fox has. It’s an incredibly painful and debilitating disease which causes uncontrollable movement and loss of motor function. Frank had finally reached the point where he was barely able to move or feed himself, and it took him all night just to use the bathroom, but he couldn’t even return to bed afterwards. He knew he had become too much of a burden on Bill in their old age, and even though Bill would gladly have cared for him until the end of time, Frank decided it was too cruel to force him to spend his final years laboring over his every need until he died painfully and messily from something beyond his control, all while his partner had to watch, petrified in horror. Instead, he chose assisted suicide, an easier way out, so that he could retain some dignity in a death of his own choosing, in the arms of his beloved. Not too many even in our world get to be so lucky, fewer still in theirs. What Frank tried to do was an incredible kindness for Bill, albeit far from an easy task. It’s a very controversial topic that affects millions of people every day, and quite the gray area in medicine. A truly sad story, but one with something of a happy ending, really, and a beautifully executed masterpiece of television too. This story is almost entirely made for tv. Very very little of this story was in the game, and what was was largely different in tone and plot