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op 711_1

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nice you released the episode right when i sat down at my computer


Not your fault at all guys, you post a lot But man, how this arc craaaaaawls


It's absolutely abysmal pacing and the full blame is on Toei man. Honestly I think I can count on my fingers how many 'great quality' episodes are actually in the dressrosa arc. That being said, I do enjoy some of the comedic moments, like Lao G, senor pink, etc. haha.

Ruben Lopez

I'm so glad y'all fucks with law heavy, can't even front hes saucey too. Might be my 2nd favorite character. Appreciate the drop.


bro we need to sleep Bellamy QUICK


Timing for the sound bites this episode had me rolling. Definitely needed this. XD


I wonder whether Gintama would be a good show for you guys?! It is hilarious and serious, both. It is very long though, and we are already invested in two long series with One Piece and Ippo...just a thought! Because you guys are very funny, and I bet your reactions would really make the whole experience funnier! Your One Piece reactions are really really hilarious!! Thanks for the laughs :)


Bellamy is what happens when someone loyal to a fault loses their reason to live. He’s lost, confused, and emotional. He doesn’t know what to do so he figures at the end of it all he may as well stick to his principles. Maybe he can find some worth in death, an interesting parallel coming on the heels of baby 5’s origin story. Luffy is too kind to beat him into submission just because of his own bad choices, he knows it’s doflamingo’s fault ultimately and he’s seen his friend take enough abuse already at this point. Just a sad situation all around


Honestly, I think this is a totally accurate and comprehensive breakdown. Brilliant comment 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼, tragic situation 😕


Pacing of this arc is trash, but good thing y’all don’t have to wait week to week like we did 😭. It was a torture seeing Bellamy ricochet jump for idk how many episodes lmao


3 months for the whole Dressrosa arc? bro u def did not watch week to week


The humour in Gintama is very japanese specific though. It never clicked with me personally because you kinda have to know a lot about japanese culture and stuff.


He doesn't have principles, he chose to be a pirate to be wild and ruthless like Doffy. He didn't care that he lost his crew on Skypiea either. He's just lost and wants to let his anger loose. He's not a complex character compared to many others introduced in this arc. He's vain and it's fine. He was never supposed to be a deep character.


@This_is_Patrick His principles as in his loyalty to Donflamingo. He was the pirate Bellamy admired most. Out of everything, he wanted to be a part of whatever Donflamingo was doing, or whatever he thought Donflamingo was doing. I think what you said feeds into what @AMetalWorld was talking about, though.


Maybe they just meant 3 months for the Bellamy/Doffy clone portion? That feels more accurate lol


@Ayoken007 It's not a principle, it's obsession. He was willing to let himself get beheaded by Diamante to join a crew of someone he didn't even know personally at that point. He was already crazy about Doffy there, so where are the principles? You can't say loyalty because he wasn't part of the crew at that point. We need to stop taking everything a character says as facts and need to start looking at what they're saying within a certain context. Was it facts when Blackbeard said that he's the strongest after taking Whitebeards powers? No, he was drunk on power. Oda confirmed that Garp was the strongest in marineford. Was it facts when Nico Robin said that she wanted to die? No, she just didn't want others to get hurt because of her. And the list goes on. Only authors and narrators are speaking 100% facts. Characters aren't omniscient and thus fundamentally flawed in their thinking.


let them watch some other classic anime like naruto, etc. so they can understand the jokes better first but yeah i wanna see them experience gintama too


@This_is_Patrick while I agree with your general commentary, that characters within the story shouldn't be taken as omniscient or fully reliable narrators, two issues: 1. Robin may genuinely have been on the brink at that point, and I think you're making unfounded assumptions about her mental and emotional state. 2. "Oda confirmed that Garp was the strongest at Marineford" — please cite the exact quote where Oda said that. I don't recall anything like that whatsoever. I will fully admit it if I'm wrong and there's a quote from Oda, but right now it sounds like you're just making more assumptions.

Tavish Warren

Those with the will of D usually smile when they think they're going to die