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Hey there, folks. It’s been a bit, hasn’t it? I’m really sorry about that; I’ve been very busy with, well, life stuff. I don’t get as much time as I’d like to work on smut stuff, and when I do I don’t have any huge ideas on something that should be Patreon exclusive. And that’s only for just the Patreon exclusive pics; I haven’t had any feasible ideas for a new Patreon Pack and I do not have the time to work on a Poll Pic. In the meantime, I’m just sitting here feeling like a jackass because you guys are just giving me money while I provide basically nothing.

I’ve been thinking about what sort of thing I can do on here regularly that’s feasible. Specifically, something that might be able to take the place of the Poll Pics. To be quite frank, with the way my life and schedule is at the moment, I just can’t do the Poll Pics anymore without completely burning myself out, and that’s not good for anyone.

So, new idea: Character Change Polls! My plan is this: every month, put up a character, and have you guys suggest and vote on what happens to them. There will be multiple polls and changes through the month on the same character. For instance, I tell you guys the character, and then you can suggest stuff like, “Hypnotize her!” “Strip her!” “Dress her like Gadunka from BIONICLE!” After a bit, I collect the suggestions, put them into a poll, and you guys vote on what to do. I then render the winning vote, and then you guys suggest more changes. This seems like something I’m able to do on a decent schedule while still giving you guys the sort of custom/interactive content that you got from the Patreon Poll Pics.

This month is going to be a bit of a test run, just to see if this is something that works on my end and, more importantly, to make sure you guys like it. Some stuff might change if this goes on. For instance, I’m thinking of having suggestions/votes on what character to do in the future. Right now though, I’m planning to keep it simple and go from there.

This month, the character is going to be Kathy. Suggestions are open until the 7th, at which point the poll will open. Poll will close on the 10th, and the pic should be up by the 14th. Suggestions are open for $5 and up Patrons. Polls can be voted on by $2 and up Patrons. The pic is available for anyone paying $1 or more a month to see.

If you guys have any questions, please feel free to leave them in the comments. In the meantime, you can make suggestions for what to do to Kathy in a separate post (which is linked here)

Hope you all like this!


The Heckle

Please suggest this on the post for that: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kathy-character-79612909