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Well, the results are in, and the winner of the $300 Goal Reward Poll is "The Secret Origin of Kisstress." This is one I've actually been pretty excited to work on, since I've had an origin in mind for the character for a few years now. There are, in fact, a couple of references to Kisstress' planned origin/early adventures in a few of my pics/comics. Hopefully after reading this comic you'll be able to look back and think, "Oh, that's what that throwaway line of dialogue from a while back meant. Neat!"

I'm not exactly sure how long this will take to make, and I don't want to make any promises here. My life's a bit up in the air right now and I've been busy with stuff (which is part of why I've been posting less pics on here, sorry about that). My intention is to get this done by late 2021/early 2022. Good news is that, as I've said, I do have plans for this already, so hopefully that'll make things go quicker.  

Finally, I just want to say thank you all for supporting me. From the bottom of my heart, I appreciate all of you. Thank you so, so much.



Thanks for some great art! I hope life settles down for you and I'll look forward to seeing more great comics when you're ready!