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So this month's poll pic is going to be delayed a bit. Not sure by how much, probably a week or two, but a delay is pretty likely. This is mainly because I have finals to take for some college courses, and most of the finals are final projects that will take up a lot of time. I don't want to rush the Patreon poll pic and release something that's half-assed. You guys deserve better than that. 

This won't affect the dates of the December poll stuff though. Suggestions for December's poll will open on the first, the poll will go up on the tenth, and the finished pic will be up on the thirty-first. It's just that sometime during the month the November poll pic will go up too.

I'm sorry the pic is being delayed. I just know there's no way I'll be able to deliver something of any decent quality by the end of the month. Just wanted to let you all know.



:send energy: