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Maybe a bit overly extravagant with the backgrounds this time?

Naaaaahh :D

Also, after a lot of deliberation on the matter, I've decided that I'm going to move up Februrary's second mini-comic to March. Partially because I really just want to finish up this comic with the last 2 pages, but also because the way that I've plotted out 2024: Year of the Dragon... Forever! makes it much longer than any previous mini-comic. It's gonna be a two parter!

And I feel like that's a good way to do March's content because I usually take a few weeks to relax and polish up these comics for a final release, which usually cuts out a few updates. This way, there won't be any huge drops in posts for once. I hope this works out for the rest of y'all 😅❤️




Hehe that Amulet was tossed for good reason, fun callback. Also I will never get over how pretty Lilith is, so happy! I think our story is drawing to a close but what a tale!


Ooh wonder how this will end