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A young miscreant in Empire Bay finds an antique cloak that belonged to a roguish ancestor. It looks surprisingly modern thanks to its high quality, but more importantly it's just about baggy enough to serve as the perfect dysphoria hoody (not that she realises that's what she wants). She spends every waking moment practically living in it (and suppressing the urge to think about what she looks like...for some reason).

After several months of graffiti tagging, recording law enforcement misdeeds and vending machine hacks (everyone does it!), our hero's getting a reputation. There's no end of speculation (amongst people who care about such things) about who's under this stylish cloak...and she's strangely happy when they get this "wrong" and speculate she's a girl.

As of the comic, she's just tripped up (literally) and been caught. The reveal that she's a girl is as much a surprise to her as everyone else (except a few friends who assumed she was transitioning, but didn't mention it). Luckily for her, she's able to slink away just before the 5-0 tosses her into the car. Rumor has it she's still at large, tagging buildings and hacking vending machines.

[Empire Bay, Egg to tomboyish trans woman minicomic]


I didn't think I'd get this done in time for a Friday post but hey, here I am with it anyway!

Fun fact about my creative process, I don't like using proper curse words all that often. I think it dates my comics in some weird way. Iunno, it just feels weird to write "fuck" unless it's gonna sound good in all contexts.

Anyway, next up is the 4 From Rags To Riches pages. Big thanks for your patience, pals ❤️


