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October Mini-comic Poll #2

  • 1. Ghostmas? Bah! Humbug! 19
  • 2. Wound Up Like This 8
  • 3. Class Change (title pending) 31
  • 4. Not All Green Witches Are Wicked 17
  • 2023-10-09
  • —2023-10-13
  • 75 votes
{'title': 'October Mini-comic Poll #2', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Ghostmas? Bah! Humbug!', 'votes': 19}, {'text': '2. Wound Up Like This', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '3. Class Change (title pending)', 'votes': 31}, {'text': '4. Not All Green Witches Are Wicked', 'votes': 17}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 13, 20, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 9, 18, 10, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 75}


Big thanks to everyone who gave their suggestions! With the best and spookiest month coming up we got some good Ghostmas suggestions and some good Orctober ones too!

This poll will be up from October 9th, 10pm CET, to October 13th, 10pm CET. 

And the options are:

1. Ghostmas? Bah! Humbug! - A real grump of a dude is looking for the worst kind of candy to hand out to the kids on Halloween as a way of trying to not have to deal with as many of them. Looking through the candy aisles of a supermarket that offers samples for the occasion, he tries a few pieces, hoping to find something that'll taste reaaal bad.

Red licorice? Gross, that goes in the bag. Fake cherry-flavor chewies? Yup, goes in there too. Chocolate nougat crisp? Well, you can't be soulless, the kids can have a little goody as a treat.

As the grump samples the different candies, his disposition, and body, seems to soften a bit. Sour melon soda gummies? Oh, those are good no matter what, gotta have those. And you can't just have one type of chocolate, gotta have the dark, milk and especially the white kind for those that are allergic.

The sampling goes on and on and the basket fills up faster than the grump's heart and body does and before "he" notices, there's no "he" anymore, but a plump and sweet milf. Come Ghostmas Eve (or Halloween if you will), she's enthusiasticall dressed up like a witch and has the kids lining up to her festive-looking house where it seems like she's got an infinite supply of treats for them.

[Modern day setting/EmpireBay, Halloween-themed male-to-milf]

2.  Wound Up Like This - After walking the streets at night looking for a place to sleep, a struggling young trans woman finds an abandoned building with an oddly pristine pink sleeping bag. Without any better choice for the night, she goes to sleep in the building with the sleeping bag and wakes up the next morning in a completely different house. This one just as pristine and femme as the sleeping bag, with pastel colored walls, pretty furniture and a vast assortment of plushies everywhere. Not to mention that she's changed as well.

Her skin has assumed a porcelain-like pallor, her tattered clothes have been replaced by a cute dress and a bow is tied within her perfectly coiffed head of onyx hair. But those are hardly the weirdest changes... a huge slowly turning bronze key sticks out of her back, and all of her joints are now visible leaving her looking like a life-sized doll. 

Before blind panic can take over, she is surrounded by other doll girls, who calm her before explaining the new nature of her existence. An invisible master winds all of them daily in exchange for remaining in the house; in turn, they are free to socialize and play however they please and will never need or want for anything ever again.  After mulling over the deal she certainly has doubts about this unseen hand and its intentions. But mere hours in the house of dolls with its eternally smiling residents erase those concerns, replacing them with the one thing she hasn't felt in years: Joy.  

[Human trans woman to pretty porcelain wind-up doll]

3. Class Change (title pending) - In a generic fantasy setting, a veteran human paladin (let's name him Nico) sets out on one last adventure before his retirement, promising his relatives he'd make it home to them. This promise is very quickly challenged when he's killed immediately by a stray kobold arrow.  

In a desperate bid to save him, Nico's party members manage to scrape together for some powerful resurrection magic - albeit one known to have certain side effects. These aren't obvious at first, but as they have to repeat the spell after various falling rocks, boot-dwelling scorpions, and wagon accidents lead to subsequent deaths, the results grow more and more obvious. The once stoic paladin was growing bigger, brasher, and bawdier, gaining not only a newfound youth but a particularly feminine and orcish aspect.  

These strange effects come from the fact that the shoddy spell's reincarnating not only the paladin but it also brings out his soul's past life - in this case an orcish female barbarian named Leena. This synergizing of old and new continues as Nico's doom-prone luck gives way to Leena's reckless abandon (there's a reason she died significantly younger than Nico). 

Over time, Nico's preferences and behavior changes in subtle ways. As a paladin, Nico had once sworn an oath to respect the sanctity and life of all living things, but now their taste for meat is too much to ignore. As is their hunger for carnal fun, which grows rapidly. Despite the changes, which even Nico feels are surprising, they insist that they're still regular old Nico. It's just as if they've learned new things about themselves that they thoroughly enjoy.

By the time the adventure is completed, Nico still has her old memories and several of her beliefs. But as a whole, Nico sees herself differently now. She understands that much of her new tastes comes from her past life, but she does not see herself less as "Leena, the Orc." Instead, she sees herself like Nico, but a Nico that changed organically no different than how you change as you grow older. 

With this knowledge safely assured, Nicolina returns to her family as an Orc Warrioress, proud of the person she's grown into and eager to help her older relatives more on the family farm so that they won't miss her as much when she's out adventuring. 

[Human male Paladin to female Orc warrioress]

4. Not All Green Witches Are Wicked - An eggy youngster is invited to a themed Halloween party, and the theme is "Cross-dressing only!" The youngster takes this as a fun opportunity to see what it'd feel like to dress up as their female Orc Witch RPG character. 

At the party, everyone's having a tonne of fun dressed up as characters of the opposite genders. But when the clock strikes midnight, the egg is mysteriously transformed into the full form of their character - a strikingly beautiful and elegant spellcaster. 

As everyone looks on in awe, she decides to test her powers out, if she has any that is (though when you transform into a sexy a female Orc, why wouldn't you assume you have magical powers). And she does! With a flick of her wrists, she corrects the sex of every egg at the party, which is a lot of them.

[Human male egg to female Orc Witch, probably won't draw all the other eggs, but I might try though]



Ooh, love the updates to my prompt. Hope we get to see Nicolina living her best life/lives!


One last hoorah for our Ghostmas Milf! Join me!