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Time for another suggestion box! This suggestion box is for July's second Pinup. This box is going to be open for all tier 2 and tier 3 Babes from July 5th (10am  CET) to July 8th (10pm CET) with voting opening on July 9th (10am  CET).

The rules are as follows:

1. One suggestion per person. With one exception -

1.2. Suggesting copyrighted characters and settings is okay, but I generally prefer to draw original characters over already established ones. So if your heart is really set on a certain movie or game character, you have my blessing to suggest an original idea as well.

2. No minors or implied underaged characters. Age TFs are fine, but absolutely no underaged characters or lolis, shotas or similar things.

3. Fantasy race TFs are gold, but no real-world race TFs please.

4. No real world people.

5. Please include important details like gender, and if you have reference pictures, please include them as well.

6. Try to avoid suggesting any kind of pinup with more than 2 characters. 3 characters is the absolute limit.

I'll be selecting 3-5 suggestions based on interest, complexity and fun factor.

Best of luck, everyone!

(The rules are subject to future changes and/or additions. Entering a suggestion does not guarantee a spot in the upcoming poll. Suggestions may be re-written to fit my style of presentation. If you have any questions about suggestions, I am more than open to answer them!)



Don't know if I can post it but a follow-up to this story: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/836176 Vergov, after getting trapped by Sydalie (renamed Lyssid, I prefer this name) gets changed to a Tareem, a bird race that mostly works as an entertainer in taverns and/or sex workers, after some experimentation with weird elixir and strange rune magic. But more of that, during this transformation (which will be documented by Lyssid). Vergov, with the help of psychotropics and psychology, gets subtly mentally changed to be a strong leader for the recognition of the Tareem and against the prejudice about them (while keeping her persona, memory, etc). She also keep a little thing and feeling about her old jailer/now friend who "liberate her" from her old criminal life (MTF Big human to trans Bird/harpy)


Gobsicle Themes: Goblin-TF, TFTG Transformation: Humanity melts off the consumer as they lick and suck the Gobscile. It’s a friggin’ hot day in the middle of summer and Jeb decides to cool off with a tasty treat from the new Baskin-Goblins parlour in town. Jeb ends up shedding more than a few layers as he sucks away on his tasty green frozen treat, acclimatising to the hot sticky conditions outside in her cozy new form.