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Time for another suggestion box! This suggestion box is for June's First Pinup. This box is going to be open for all tier 2 and tier 3 Babes from May 15th (10am  CET) to May 18th (10pm CET) with voting opening on May 19th (10am  CET).

The rules are as follows:

1. One suggestion per person. With one exception -

1.2. Suggesting copyrighted characters and settings is okay, but I generally prefer to draw original characters over already established ones. So if your heart is really set on a certain movie or game character, you have my blessing to suggest an original idea as well.

1.3. You are still allowed to suggest your own original characters, but please include a reference to that character.

2. No minors or implied underaged characters. Age TFs are fine, but absolutely no underaged characters or lolis, shotas or similar things.

3. Fantasy race TFs are gold, but no real-world race TFs please.

4. No real world people.

5. Please include important details like gender, and if you have reference pictures, please include them as well.

6. Try to avoid suggesting any kind of pinup with more than 2 characters. 3 characters is manageable.

I'll be selecting 3-5 suggestions based on interest, complexity and fun factor.

Best of luck, everyone!

(The rules are subject to future changes and/or additions. Entering a suggestion does not guarantee a spot in the upcoming poll. If you have any questions about suggestions, I am more than open to answer them!)



Rachel, a young woman from Empire Bay, contracts a strange nano-plague while traveling in southern France. Contracting it via bite from a mysterious stranger, Rachel begins to develop odd vampiric symptoms--and a new gender identity and suave gothic aesthetic to go along with them. Scared what their potentially dangerous newfound instincts might do to friends and family who no longer even recognize them and finding it impossible to return to a normal life, Rachel--now Raphael--is inducted into a rehab center founded by Sandoval Innovations to aid victims of unregulated knockoff nanotechnology. There Raphael can receive all the safely donated blood he needs to quench his thirst until Sandoval Innovations can devise a cure for his condition. (Vampire ftm)


An ambitious minister of South Galria, tired of a king who neglects the affairs of state in favor always watching the melodrama and titillation of the royal opera, purchases a set of cursed poisons which on ingestion change the primary victim into the ideal partner of whoever drinks the secondary poison. Unfortunately for him, the minister mixes up his and the king's teas, leaving their fates reversed. The would-be usurper changes to resemble a villain directly from one of the king's operas - a calculating, alluring witch queen who uses her literal and figurative charms in equal measure to get her way. As it happens, this turn of events actually ends up well for all parties involved. The king, obviously, is delighted to get a consort directly from his favorite operas. The new queen finds herself in charge of the country all the same (the king isn't going to become any less delinquent after all) - her newfound magical and political powers more than a fair trade for shifts to her form and opinions of the king. Even South Galria at large enjoys the benefits, as despite her dramatic posturing and habit of cackling after enacting new laws the new queen is substantially better at actually running the kingdom than her absentee husband. (MtF, human minister to not-actually-so-wicked human sorceress/queen) (P.S. If South Galria was unwritten from the realm after the Han Wei incident, feel free to swap this for North Galria)