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Big thanks to everyone for voting on this one, it was a very tight race but in the end our winner is:

The Serendipitous Stepdragon - In the Seventh realm, a human warrior from the Frostlands, on the hunt for powerful monsters to slay to prove his mettle (perhaps even a legendary dragon!), instead stumbles upon a nest of Kobolds - small and foolish creatures with draconic features and a penchant for getting themselves into trouble. Not only were these creatures far too weak to be worthy foes for our warrior, but they are so obviously defenseless and certain to get themselves killed that they spark a protective instinct in the warrior, and against his better judgement he stays to ensure the kobolds are not eaten by predators or go diving into a volcano.

A great while later (and at the time of our pinup), and someone new runs into the kobold clutch, though this new traveler does not find them unprotected. Instead they are watched over by a powerful dragon matriarch, who tends and protects her children both from the harsh world and their own foolishness. While commonly misunderstood, the seemingly weak and disposable kobolds are in reality the first life stage in the eons long life cycle of the great and majestic dragons many Seventh Realm cultures revere. Kobolds that survive to maturity eventually molt into larger, more powerful forms, the wisdom of long years tempering their foolishness into the wisdom dragons are known for. (The rarity of dragons speaks to just how long this maturation process takes - several mortal lifetimes - and just how good kobolds are are stumbling into untimely ends before this point).

Whatever became of this clutch's original mother - whether she was slain, or ascended to some higher plane, or simply grew sick of her hatchling's antics and left - the kobolds were fortunate to find another who was able to rather become someone that could fill considerable place.

(Seventh Realm, Male Human TGTF to Female Dragon Matriach/Broodmother, Post-TF).


Sorry for forgetting to announce it yesterday, I forgot to set an alarm for the poll. My bad! <3


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