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Razjkuvianism is one of the oldest faiths in the Gateworld. Thought to have been founded around 5000 years ago by a Frost Elf named Saint Razjkuv, it's also a very controversial religion due to its texts elevating Elves and Fae over the other races. In particular, Demons consider most of the Razjkuvian texts to be offensive to their kind. Most Razjkuvian adherents insist that this is a misunderstanding of Saint Razjkuv's words, but considering most current and historical evidence, it's pretty hard to believe that people are just misunderstanding it.

Also, Clark knows a bit of magic! 



Erin Brioche

TFW you think someone's an ally, but they still insist on buying the wizard game


*braces for culture clash in progress*

Erin Brioche

The Harry Potter game (that's being hyped and marketed even as the grand wizard TERF herself is encouraging her followers to harass people on Twitter.