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And the winner of the first June Pinup poll is...

3. A Galactic Sensation - Between the poor behavior of star pilot Chuck Quasar and  a general decline in space tourism due to it being "just kind of rocks and emptiness", Galactic Tours Inc. has begun to see a record decline in profits. Their solution is to take on both problems at once by introducing  Quasina, a recently discovered "alien" who just so happens to look quite nice to human sensibilities, and has all of old Chuck's talents for spacefaring with a much improved attitude.

(Post-TF of a Human male-to-female Galacticette)


Unfortunately I wasn't able to finish the Queen Gobbo pinup yet but it'll be done tomorrow, and to prove it I've attached a preview of what it looks like so far. There's also going to be a nude version so there's a little bit more than usual :)



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