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Hey y'all! It's time again for you wonderful pumpkins to vote for June's First Pinup! Some very exciting suggestions this time!

The poll will be open from May 19th 10am CET to May 22nd 10pm CET.

And here are the suggestions!

1. Cast Irony - A sorceress is given a request by a knight to enchant his armor with powers "no man could wield." But the sorceress is a crafty lady and her enchantment makes the knight's armor turn him into a female Piglin Warrior who's obsessed with gold!

(Post-TF of a Human male-to-female Piglin)

2. Looks Like Truffle Ahead - A new arrival in the Gateworld finds themselves rapidly shrinking down and growing some rather perplexing fungi-like bits... until they suddenly go POOF in a giant cloud of spores. When the smoke clears four identical Fungaliniers are lying there in a pile, and none of these shortstacks are sure which one is the "original."

(Post-TF of a Human male to four shortstack fungus girls/Fungaliniers)

3. A Galactic Sensation - Between the poor behavior of star pilot Chuck Quasar and  a general decline in space tourism due to it being "just kind of rocks and emptiness", Galactic Tours Inc. has begun to see a record decline in profits. Their solution is to take on both problems at once by introducing  Quasina, a recently discovered "alien" who just so happens to look quite nice to human sensibilities, and has all of old Chuck's talents for spacefaring with a much improved attitude.

(Post-TF of a Human male-to-female Galacticette)

4. The Swolest Goblin In The Land! - A Goblin girl, while content with their life, feels somewhat annoyed that the world is so biased for people who are taller than her. She ends up purchasing a potion that will give her the boost she needs. Upon consumption, she ends up much taller than before (around 5'9" from her person 3'9"), but also obtains an Amazonian physique in the process, becoming the strongest and tallest goblin around.

(Post-TF of a female-to-female Goblin who grows taller and really buff!)



>u> hehehe cannot wait to see the winner


Uh, I'm curious why mine was not chosen like the others :o Anyway, good luck to the winner!


These are all fun-sounding ideas. :)


The unequal future, trophy wife and reality TV things aren't really my brand.

Erin Brioche

All fantastic ideas, but I had to go with 5'9" goblin. Objectively the best height for anyone!