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It was supposed to be a simple heist. The Orcs had not even put any security measures around the melon-sized gemstone. It looked like easy pickings, but as soon as the two thieves laid their hands on the mysterious gem, they got a hold of far more than they could have dreamed of.

In a flash, the Halfling Betty Bottins felt like she had two minds occupying her head. Memories of the day before flashed in rapid succession. She remembered how she had told her friend and colleague, the Tiefling Whisper Voen, about a seemingly unguarded and enormous gemstone in the Orcish Museum of Archaeological Curiosities that she had spotted while looking for easy loot. It was a shiny white stone with a curious and obviously magical luster to it. Though no other visitors in the museum seemed attracted to it in the slightest. In fact, people seemed to not even notice it at all. Or… maybe it was trying to attract Betty in specific? Whatever the case was, she had to tell Whisper about it.

Racing to the inn where they stayed, Whisper looked unimpressed, but that was how she always looked. Tall, slender and always carrying a chronically disillusioned expression on her face. But Betty knew her friend well enough to see that her curiosity had been piqued and the two of them agreed to take a look together the following day before entering after closing hours.

The same memories flashed in Whisper’s mind before both of the thieves felt their grips on those memories fade away like snow in the spring. Whisper clutched her head as the Gemstone fabricated new memories for her. No longer were there a pair of thieves by the name of Betty Bottins and Whisper Voen. No longer were there the happy-go-lucky Halflings and no longer were there a race of half-demonic Tieflings. Both of Betty’s and Whisper’s minds were inundated with facts that were now true for generations. Although it really started only one generation ago.

Halflings were some of the most loathed people in the Realm. They kept to themselves in their subterranean kingdoms where none of the larger races were able to fit, physically. They cared little for the sun-dwellers and only ventured up when they had to, usually to hunt. For they were a vampiric race, and although they could subsist on any creature’s blood, they particularly preferred blood of the higher races. It tasted better and it also seemed like the proper thing for them to do. There they were, a blight in the Realm, cursed thousands of years ago by the gods to be no more than three feet tall for how cruel and spiteful they were.

Betty could feel it grow in her, she had always been a positive and optimistic Halfling, she may have been a thief, but she had chosen that path to be closer to her life-long friend, Whisper. They did not see eye to eye on all things, especially since Whisper was kind of a downer with a rough attitude, but the two of them did enjoy each other’s company. And Whisper could not deny it, she liked Betty. She had always put up her guard against other people and often got the worst for it, but Betty remained loyal to her and she would remain loyal to Bethonia.

Wait… Bethonia?

Whisper had to backtrack in her mind. What was wrong about calling her friend Bethonia? That was her name, right? Of course it was. They had known each other for their entire lives. And she remembered when she was a mere child all those years ago when Bethonia’s family introduced themselves to her family. They were a family of researchers who said that they had studied the Tiefling race for many years. Being a kind and trustworthy race, they listened to what the Halflings said about how the Tieflings were slowly going to die off by a retroactive plague present in their demonic heritage. How dreadful! It would take many, many more generations before the plague would cause irreparable harm to the Tieflings, but luckily the Halflings had a solution.

Through a magical ceremony, the entire Halfling race would channel the demonic energies out of the Tieflings once and for all, leaving them free of the plague as well.

It was a brilliant plan, agreed a child Bethonia after hearing it from her parents. For too long had her race been mocked for their diminutive height and unremarkable magical affinity. But by fooling the naïve Tieflings into funneling both their height and magical powers into the Halfling race, they would finally become a people that everyone feared.

With her new perspective, Bethonia chuckled silently as she felt her body adapt to this new reality. She remembered how it had taken ten years after the ceremony for her body to grow from barely three feet tall to a proper size well over six feet. Like the rest of her kind, she was taller than most humans. Her skin faded from a pale but ruddy hue to a pale white complexion; though this was never a fact in the new timeline, her race despised the sun after all. However this new timeline did not alter her curvaceousness, at least not by much. She had always been pretty well-endowed in terms of chest and butt size, but with at least twice as much in terms of height, she would still swell up by a lot. Her bright purple hooded shirt rapidly morphed into a silk dress that strained with all its might to contain her boobs which had grown from being just slightly smaller than her head to surpassing its size by a fair margin. The heels of her shoes shifted upwards as they grew a spike and turned into the same silky material as her dress. Fishnet stockings enveloped her thick thighs as her hair’s ginger color intensified and became an aggressively potent dark red. And finally, her sclera turned pitch black while her brown eyes glowed white.

She now looked just like the rest of her race, tall, pale and with white-glowing eyes. If Whisper had not been stuck focusing on her own change she may have marveled at how beautiful her mistress had become. But in great contrast to Bethonia, Whisper had shrunk down, and further down and even more as she went from somewhere just under six feet to barely two, unless you counted her horns which had grown from a few inches to a full foot each. Her tail slimmed down and grew a tuft of hair at the end. And while her ears grew to ridiculous proportions, her hooves shrank into points that were no longer cloven. As she shrunk, her clothes fell off and disappeared once they touched the ground, revealing her thinning form. After the magical ceremony the Halflings had been so kind to perform, Whisper, along with the rest of her race, felt so awkward when wearing clothes. Some did not object as much as others but Whisper was very typical for her kind and never wore clothes anymore. Clothes are for the big and clever races! Not for the little ones like hers. Except for one particular item that she would not dream of taking off without her mistress’ approval; her black leather collar that mistress Bethonia had even engraved with Wisp’s new name.

Wisp traced the edges of the collar and felt a wave of safety wash over her. She was so thankful that like all Imps, she would be safe in the hands of Nightfolk like Bethonia.

“Wisp? What on Earth are you doing here?” Asked Bethonia, breaking Wisp out of her reverie.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, mistress. I thought I saw a shiny in this room but I was wrong.” Wisp reflexively apologized.

Looking over the little creature with both annoyance and amusement, Bethonia sighed and pulled out a leash and clasped it to Wisp’s collar. It certainly was annoying to always keep track of her pet but it was also very satisfying to look down on her. She still remembered what it was like in the past to look up at pretty much all other races, and she always savored being one of the larger ones these days. “Of course you thought there was a shiny in this room. You see shinies everywhere, silly Imp.”

Wisp giggled. It was true. She saw shinies everywhere. And everything Bethonia said was always true. That’s why she was so happy to be with a smart and honest mistress like her. And why all Imps should be happy to be taken care of by the Nightfolk.

- The End -




Yay! Fun-sized tieflings~


Cool touch with the afterimage, to show how they looked before the change ^^


Absolutely wonderful! Love how our thieves turned out. Also enjoy how the stories here do well to flesh out the world here, and how thinking these swaps through leads to a fun twist on a high fantasy setting. A land of fancy orcs, beefy elves, sinister goths, silly pet imps, and goblins, who are just perfect the way they are.