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And there we go! Rather than just post the final page on its own, I wanted to make a full post because there were some errors I found on the preceding pages that I wanted to fix. This post has all the final edits so if you've downloaded the other pages, I recommend that you replace them with these :)

Also, the final frame is how I've always imagined Orcs to kiss. Maori style, because of their tusks lol.

Once again, I really recommend that you listen to this lovely song to get the best experience when reading this comic https://youtu.be/_9nmLWuG4gA



Patrick Hunt

Not gonna lie, I could see a follow up to this where the kingdom will seek out their human prince turned female orc


This was such a beautiful story with a very satisfying narrative and conclusion 😌 (😭)

Erin Brioche

I'd never thought about that, but I'm accepting that as my general fantasy headcanon from now on! ^_^ Also; another genuinely cute TF themed comic, as usual! ^_^


Shit I love this ! Still wonder if Eoghan sees the transformation and let it happen or if his mind was also manipulated but heh, it's only lore question nothing else Love the "orcs kiss", it's my headcanon now


Such a satisfying comic. Some of your best art yet and what a cute couple =)