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Geezus chimera I am SOOOO forry for forgetting to write and schedule the suggestion box for May's first pinup!! >.<

I am a massive dummy! Luckily there's plenty of time left for both the suggestions and the poll so at least there's that. Again, I am SOOO incredibly sorry for this and I hope you can forgive me <3

Anyway, rules are the same. The deadline will be one day extra since I'm posting this late in the day. So the timeline will be from now (April 20th 7:40pm CET) to April 24th 10:00pm CET.

1. One suggestion per person. With one exception -
1.2. Suggesting copyrighted characters and settings is okay, but I generally prefer to draw original characters over already established ones. So if your heart is really set on a certain movie or game character, you have my blessing to suggest an original idea as well.
1.3. You are still allowed to suggest your own original characters, but please include a reference to that character.

2. No minors or implied underaged characters. Age TFs are fine, but absolutely no underaged characters or lolis, shotas or similar things.

3. Fantasy race TFs are gold, but no real-world race TFs please.

4. No real world people.

I'll be selecting 3-5 suggestions based on interest, complexity and fun factor.

(The rules are subject to future changes and/or additions. Entering a suggestion does not guarantee a spot in the upcoming poll. If you have any questions about suggestions, I am more than open to answer them!)


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