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Marina had finally cracked it!

For several years, the Continuum had been crawling with rogue AI’s that bothered both users and services alike. No one knew where they came from or what their purpose was, but they were clogging up the lines and used up data at an annoying rate. The usual method of getting rid of them was simply to run a removal program in tandem with your own uplink. It worked in getting rid of the ones you would meet but they just kept appearing.

The AI’s did not seem to do much on their own, simply put they just “hovered around” the users and occasionally pestered them to play simple games like tetris, chess or tic-tac-toe. Benign stuff, but unnerving when you don’t know who or what was behind them.

But after months of research and tracing, Marina had finally managed to find the source of the AI’s. It was not easy, but it was exciting. Finding herself, or rather her uplinked avatar, in a remote corner of old, old Sim-space, was an odd glitch. To her eyes it looked like a crack in a wall of reality, where multicolored TV-static bled through. Occasionally the static formed bubbles that floated off from the glitch. Most dissipated into ones and zeros that assimilated back into the code that made up the Continuum. But some continued to float before assuming a shape that Marina had seen before. Juvenile AI. In the Continuum’s Sim-space, they appeared as spheres of electricity, not unlike plasma globes in the real world.

“Magnificent!” she exclaimed when she had discovered the glitch, scaring some of the little AI balls away from her and their origin. Seeing that they flew off into parts unknown, probably to be erased by some user’s removal program did not bother her at all. She was too excited for that and began to stream her findings to friends and authorities. But in doing so she quickly realized that not only would it take a long time since she was so far away from prioritized Sim-space, but it would also take even longer because of the glitch itself.

The glitch drained power and data directly into itself and the Continuum drained both in its attempts to perform repairs. Marina would have to move away from the glitch unless she wanted to work with upload times of several dozen minutes. But who knew if the glitch was able to move? Maybe that was the reason it had been so hard to find until now. No, moving elsewhere was not an option.

“But what if…“ Marina started thinking. “Maybe if the glitch is able to drain power and data, I could do the same via the glitch itself?”

There was merit to that idea. The Continuum itself was redirecting power to fix itself at this spot. But clearly it was not able to do a sufficient job at it. So the best course of action ought to be using the glitch.

Setting herself up for a daring task, Marina opened up some of her defenses and raised an arm to the crack in the wall. Simulated stimuli began to run through her avatar and into her consciousness. It felt cold and warm at the same time. She tasted salt and sweet through her hand. Pain and pleasure began to ebb and flow, but never in an alarming fashion. There was a strange stream of data that flowed into her and out of her. Slowly and imperceptibly Marina lost awareness of her surroundings. The few AI that had not been spooked observed curiously.

Power and data was exchanged between her and the glitch until the glitch began asking for permissions to change or add new functions to Marina’s avatar. Benign ones that simply explained that the glitch was no malware and neither were the AI’s it created. It simply was and had no desire to do either good or ill. But maybe a human touch was needed?

Marina, filled with curiosity in her tranced state, agreed. And so she accepted the terms and conditions. Energy and data was transmitted into her at an unimaginable rate. Marina’s self was liberated from the restrictions placed on her avatar and began to connect directly into every facet of the Continuum. Learning new things at inhuman speeds. Soon she was processing thoughts faster than any human or computer had ever done. In a horror story this could have turned her into some kind of inhuman super-being, too powerful to bother with pesky humans. But as luck would have it, she had come upon this glitch during the month of March, and the Continuum was saturated with memes celebrating the #MarchNeedsMoms fad. So while Marina could have risked losing her humanity in this process, she was instead inundated with concepts and themes centered around things like “milfs” and “mommy gfs” and so on.

It did not take long for all these things to coalesce in Marina’s altering mind. She grew caring and loving towards all things around her, humans and AI’s alike. And as her mind grew, her avatar began to change as well.

Her avatar, once little more than a 1:1 reflection of her Fenno-Latina real-world self, erased the clothes it had worn. Feeling no shame over what was underneath. Her ponytail flew up into the vast Sim-space above, forming into cables with lights rapidly moving up and down as data streamed into her and she streamed of her own mind. Far, far above her, the effervescent glow of the Sim-space obfuscated whatever sky the cables connected to. Not that they literally connected to anything, all of this was just a visual representation of how she began to see herself through her expanding mind.

And that was not the only thing that expanded. Influenced by one too many microblogs, her hips and butt swelled. With a rhythm like waves crashing onto the sand of a beach, her thighs followed suit until she had easily grown to three times her original shape. Her ass was now huge and pillowy. And her thighs were just as lovely. To match the added girth, her belly began to protrude as well, filling up until a delightful potbelly had formed. A veritable fertility idol, sans two important additions.

Still in a data-induced trance, Marina began to feel pleasure emanating from below her waist and above. The connection she once held with the glitch through her arm was no longer needed. She was now connected through other means and with both hands free, she spared no time. The barrage of horniness from all the #MarchNeedsMoms posts and RP sessions made her mind quake and quiver with the same emotions. Her hands found their way to her breasts. Both moving with hot desire.

Up top she groped, massaged and caressed her breasts with much care and patience. She pinched and pulled gently to mix the sensation of pleasure with just a teensy bit of pain. Keeping a careful balance as her nipples ripened, getting larger with each tug. Sparks danced from the outside to the inside and echoed through her breasts all the way to her ribs. As her nipples grew and as her hands flexed over them, the breasts underneath also swelled. Their volume swelled to many times their original size, how large was unimportant to her at the moment though, all that was important was how good it felt to mold them like clay in her hands. But at some point they ceased their swelling and Marina felt herself welcomed to a lower latitude of her body.

With one hand busy with her chest, she allowed the other to wander downwards until it met with her sex. Without shyness and quite warmed up from tending to her breasts, there was little need for foreplay and she eagerly began stroking the outside of her folds and her bud. Slick with excitement she slipped several times over when rubbing her clit, but it was not as if this was a graded performance. For Marina it was all the same, pleasure is pleasure even if you make small mistakes. It wasn’t long until she began to plunge into herself. As any mature woman, there was no magical technique, but simply listening to yourself, speeding up, slowing down. Alternating areas of focus and making sure that you are feeling safe in your own warm love.

With cautious ferocity she assaulted her breasts and core with both hands as her body heated up. Echoes of intoxicating euphoria built up throughout her body, originating from her breasts and vagina. Like embers coming back to life and fires spreading all over. It was close now. She moaned and squealed so loudly that far, far away from this corner of the Continuum, other users felt themselves affected by her sensations and began to hurry to seedier chatrooms and servers.She increased her pace and felt even hotter. The build-up was deliciously torturous but it was just about to come. And then, in a split second it burst out. Intensity like jumping into a frozen lake, Marina was overcome with exhilarating bliss. In an extended moment there was nothing in Marina’s world but herself. Her mind and body were one of scintillating pleasure, separated from reality itself. In this moment of hours or seconds, she felt utter contentment as functions and data continued streaming into her.

Spent, she fell over and laid on her back. Relishing the moment and the aftershocks of her self-love. Humming a sweet tune and staring up at the starry sky of the Sim-space. For these moments she had forgotten what she was doing here to begin with. She had arrived to find the source of the rogue AI’s and found a greater connection to the Continuum, to the AI’s, to her fellow humans and even herself.

The AI’s hovered above her with curiosity and she lifted an arm, transmitting a series of new functions and instructions. Under her maternal guidance the AI’s would not be simple nuisances anymore. They would instead be helpful to the users of the Continuum, aiding them in their every need. And Marina would aid the AI’s in their every need.

Of course she would have to email all her friends and family members where to find her in the future though. Luckily, upload speeds would never be a problem for her again.

- The end.



Halima Abdi

yes mommy reformat me (but seriously, this was a wonderfully sweet story to go with the equally amazing art!)

Erin Brioche

That's such a cute story! ^_^