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Hello, all Orcs and Demons. Welcome to the return of the Long Comics. As I explained in the previous announcement last week, the long comic will be made in a similar vertical format to the Short Comics, at least once per month. And now it's time for you to make your suggestions for what that comic should be!

The rules for the suggestions are as follows:


  • Unlimited suggestions per person. When you make your suggestions, please either write all of them in the same comment or add them as comments to your original comment. Because these long comics are going to be taking up a lot of time for me to write and draw them, I'm going to be very selective with your suggestions. If a suggestion just doesn't interest me enough, I won't want to spend months completing it in a good quality. So please add as many suggestions as you want.

  • No Minors, no exceptions. Simple rule really, I won't add children characters as anything other than non-descript background details. Age TFs are fine, but no depictions of minors.

  • No explicit non-consensual TF or sexual acts. As it turns out, transformations don't necessarily bother Patreon.com that much so dubious consent for the transformation is okay. But there still can't be any kind of visual pain or sadness in either the transformation or the sex. Sex and romantic acts are especially not allowed to be non-consensual. And I also just don't want to make sad and painful things anyway.

  • No real world people. Explicitly not allowed by Patreon and I also just don't like doing it.

  • Be as detailed as you'd like. In the end I will be tailoring the comic to work with my style and flow, but that still gives you the permission to write as much or as little as you want for your suggestions.

And them's the rules. This box will be up for all Orcs and Demons from August 1 (10am CET) to August 10 (10pm CET) with the poll opening on August 11 (10am CET). I hope to see some real bangers!


Desmond Wooten

Oblivious to their Ascension: A kind woman, who thinks of nothing more than being helpful to others, is blessed by a deity. Over the course of weeks and months, she is able to help many more people with their tasks, quests, and wishes, completely unaware of her ascension to be an avatar. [Average-sized woman to Amazon to Blessed Avatar, Mini-GTS, BE, FMG]


A Day in the Life of Danger Cat We see the Danger Cat going about its daily feline activities; eating a fish, sleeping, meowing at passersby. In between these activities we see several small vignettes of people needing change in their lives, quickly resolved by a zap of the kitty’s horns!


A Strange Sea A Dwarven Fisherman’s small boat is capsized during a storm. After drifting for days on a plank he is rescued by a large diplomatic convoy, under the control of Elven Captain Jacque Nouvelle. The Dwarf derogatorily refers to the captain as “knife ears” and demands to be let off at the next port, conveniently a diplomatic mission to his Dwarven homeland. Against his will the captain tries to connect with the Dwarven commoner to prepare for the meeting and they learn about each other’s cultures. The Dwarven Fisherman’s heart and body softens as he grows tall and motherly. By the time they reach port she has become the Captain’s loving Elven Wife, thrilled to accompany her Husband on and voyage and to explore the Dwarf lands she’s “never been to”.