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Hello everyone, hope you're doing well and that you're having a lovely summer so far!

I'm making this announcement a few days early so that everyone gets a chance to know that after having had plenty of rest from making long comics like The Gob-Queen's Request and From Rags To Riches I finally feel up for working on them again. With some changes, but I'll get into that later.

In any case, just like it's always been, only patrons on the Orc and Demon Tiers will have access to the upcoming suggestion box on the 1st of August. And I swear, I am not saying this to make everyone upgrade their current patronage, I just want to be transparent about this stuff ❤️

I'd hate to just surprise everyone who's generous enough to pay me monthly for my work with a drastic change that only certain tiers get to see. In terms of the content I make, everyone here should have an equal access to it even if some tiers get special perks.

That being said here's what will be a bit different from previous long-form comic projects:

Rather than making and uploading several single pages every month like my previous longer comics, I'm gonna make the future long comics in the same format as the short comics I've been making for the last few months. Think of them as "chapters" of a webtoon or some such.

The vertical short comic format I've been doing for the last few months have been a lot of fun and I feel like I can definitely make at least one such "chapter" per month, while also doing one monthly "short comic."

So basically, from September on, I'll be making one "Monthly Short Comic" (which will still be voted on like usual) and one "Chapter of a Long Comic," and the next one will have a suggestion box up on August 1 to August 10, with a poll up on August 11.

And August will still have two monthly Short Comics, since by the time this post goes up, the next two comics should already have been voted on.

And that's basically it. I've talked to some people about this change already and it's been hard to explain in a simple way, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities ❤️



I like it. :)