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The turkey art came up in an image search for "Psychedelic Thanksgiving", the more I soaked it in, the more psychedelic if felt to me, so I thought you might enjoy it too!   🦃😂🙏🍄👀

Thanksgiving is definitely one of my favorite times of the year, I hope everyone is getting some rest and relaxation with family this week or at least some good food!  For my non-American readers,  Thanksgiving is pretty much all about family and feasting.

Another weird part of the Thanksgiving week, is that for some reason the day after Thanksgiving has become famous for deep discounts, AKA "Black Friday" & "Cyber Monday"

I've never done a Black Friday / Cyber Monday post before, but thought it might be interesting to see if any of the items I've posted about before actually have good deals.  Surprisingly, there actually are some great deals!  If you've been waiting to build a laminar flow box, now is the perfect time.  I've been getting lots of positive feedback and not a single complaint, many people have said it was a "game changer" for them.

This design works well and solves most people’s contamination issues, many people repeated my tests to prove that it really was working and producing contaminant free laminar flow.  The full written TEK can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78502280 (and video is here).

But specifically, the items that have great deals include the filters: https://amzn.to/40XwjUj

I'm pretty sure this is the lowest price they have ever sold for.

And the hole saw: https://amzn.to/3YyQ8iE

Also the lowest I've ever seen it.

There's even a deal on petri dishes: https://amzn.to/3usQBJb (they also have 100 packs)

These laminar flow boxes also make great gifts, consider building one for a friend 😇 (I actually just bought supplies today to make some more of these).

Another great deal I found was on this 200 watt aquarium heater with good reviews (these are useful especially for winter growing, you can put water in a tote with this heater then put an identical tote inside of the one with water, this will keep the substrate at whatever temp you want for growing, can also be used to make an incubation chamber, for example if you want your agar plates or grain spawn to be at 80F (27C) this will do the job.

The cool thing about Amazon affiliate links is that you don't even have to buy the item linked to support this channel.  If you were planning to buy ANYTHING at all from Amazon, as long as you add it to your cart after clicking one of my links, this actually supports the channel too (and is much appreciated).

Enjoy this time of year for what its really all about, building relationships and spending time with family, and being grateful for what you have.  Not going into debt or being a consumer sucka!

Also a "final reminder" that if anyone wants to submit a sample to the Cultivar Cup, the deadline is coming very soon (Dec 1st).  Doma tells me there are thousands of $ worth of prizes pledged by sponsors and so far not very many entries so it may be a great one to send a sample to.  Remember the testing data helps build out our knowledge as I've recently described in my analysis of the data from the Denver Psychedelic Cup (by the way, I added a LOT of additional analysis to that post which most people probably did not see, so feel free to check it out again and scroll to the bottom where many additions were made).

With Thanksgiving in my heart,



Links to all of my TEKs, Videos, Trip music, and frequently asked questions with answers can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22774475 (everything is made available for FREE, I do not use pay walls, support the work only if you feel like you've benefited from it and you are able to do so).  People have told me my work has helped them overcome depression, addictions, PTSD, relationship issues, direction in life, and to have important, meaningful, sometimes life changing mystical experiences.  I feel honored and blessed to play a small role in this.  That is my reward.




How do you message him to request a spore print I'm a member but can't seem to find how to message. Mush love


What happend to member posts section?


Above the K there are three dots when you hit that, one of the options is message creator