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First I want to thank everyone who participated both with me in person and those who were with us in spirit, participating remotely, and a special shout out to our trip sitter who travelled a long distance just to watch over us.  This was my first time traveling within the US to use mushrooms in a state that has decriminalized them, we are living in exciting times!

The older I get, the more I realize how much I enjoy doing weird things every now and then, it makes life more interesting, gives you some great memories, and keeps things fresh and fun.  So much COULD have gone wrong, it was a bit of a gamble, but I think it turned out well and everyone followed up to say they had a good time.  There was a lot of camaraderie, joking around, laughing, and even a few deep discussions about the nature of psychedelics, intuition, signs and coincidences, synchronous fireflies, dark skies, and more.

The hike up the mountain was pretty strenuous as I had warned, but overall not that bad and the distance was only about 1.5 miles.  We met two hikers that were doing the entire Appalachian trail from Georgia to Maine.  Our destination point, a rocky clearing at the top of the mountain is one of the weirdest places in nature I know of, which is why I picked this spot, and it did not disappoint.  It seems like there are always strange lights in the sky here, and as it got dark, we were entertained and amused by the crazy things we could see.  About 10 different towns were doing fireworks displays which we could see on the horizon, and we were hearing the booms with great time delay.

There were strange orange and red orbs of light going up and down.  There were also some pretty interesting animal sounds - a bird that sounded like a video game sound effect of a powering up energizer device, a hoot owl, a screeching fox, a whippoorwill, and some frogs singing.  We had a nearly full moon, and some stars too.

We took the Estero pan cyans sometime after 9PM.  I then led the group in a little "final preparation of the mind" meditation session which was intended to clam nerves and put everyone into a positive mindset for the rest of the evening, here is a copy of my preflight meditation exercise:

This is to help prepare your mind for this evening. Everyone please close your eyes and visualize with me for a minute…
Think about all that had to transpire for you to even be here tonight.  You had to somehow stumble upon some video at some point, you had to either live in this area or were willing to travel here, and you literally had to climb a mountain to get here.  But what are you actually here FOR?  If you feel like it, you can repeat the following silently in your own mind after you hear it, and I will pause after each statement.
I am here to have one of the best nights of my entire life.
I am here to experience the deepest and most profound love I have ever experienced.
I am here to feel an overwhelming peace that is beyond all understanding.
I am here to catch a glimpse at the most incredible and beautiful things I have ever seen.
I am here to experience total bliss, and bask in euphoria.
I am here to wipe away all depression.
I am here to renew my spirit.
Now, with your eyes closed, I am going to give you some silence.  I want you to visualize something positive.  Maybe it’s a friend or loved one, maybe it’s God or Jesus, maybe it's something simple like a pet or your mom making cookies or your first kiss.  It should be something special to you, something that will fill you up with positive emotions.
Now with your eyes still closed, I want you to visualize the day you get back home from this event.  You are talking to a friend or a loved one and telling them about this night.  You are saying “WOW, I am SO glad I took a chance and climbed that mountain with Gordo.  It was one of the greatest nights of my life, I will never forget it, it was SPECTACULAR!  I let go and embraced the experience.  I felt a deep love like I’ve never felt before, a peace beyond all understanding came over me, I saw the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, it was powerful and moving, I even wept at one point because I was so overwhelmed with the beauty and the love.  I feel so refreshed and energized now, it’s like I have a whole new perspective on life, the fog I had before is now gone and my spirit is renewed.”
Alright.  You may open your eyes and when you are ready, go ahead and consume the mushrooms.  After that you can get cozy, turn on your trip music if you will be using it, and have an amazing night.

Perhaps due to a high psilocin content these mushrooms kicked in quite fast for me, the first thing I noticed were lights in the night sky that other people didn't see, haha.  Then I closed my eyes and was seeing beautiful DMT-like fluorescent rainbow colors:

Which meant it was time to lay back, put on some music, focus within and journey as deep as I possibly could.  I floated into a rainbow colored river of bliss and was gone (exploring within my mind) for 4 hours.

I toured epic concert halls and cathedrals with singing angels and did not return to normal consciousness until about 2AM.

I was testing out a new, experimental trip track I had never used before (I'll post about it later), and it was perfect, I experienced a deep spiritual connection with the music.

I saw many beautiful images and visited sacred places.  I even saw some interesting "alien artifacts" with writing in an unknown language:

I had a wonderful body high for much of the experience (although at one point during the come up I was shivering, it got a bit cold up on the mountain, but that didn't last too long and I was able to put on a hoodie and snuggle into my sleeping bag.

This might be the best part... I like to experiment when I take psychedelics, to me it's NOT about "watching a movie" its an immersive, interactive experience.  So besides the experimental music, I also decided to try something -  I just wanted to see if it would be possible to essentially be "pumped full of love" if I willed it enough.  I held my arms and hands up in the air towards the night sky, in an "open receiving position"  and just visualized channeling in the love of God like an antenna, and filling myself up with it.  IT WAS AWESOME!  At one point I moved into an ecstatic, blissful state, I thought in my mind "I can't take anymore love than this or I'm going to explode".  I've never tried that before, but now I'll probably have to attempt it every time! ;)

I had an afterglow that lasted for 4 days, where I just felt really amazing and full of peace, very mellow and positive.

And this will probably make you laugh, but all of the above was from just 2 capsules of Estero (approximately 0.85g)!  I am admittedly, very sensitive to all psychedelics, and it had also been quite a while since I had used anything (I also have a rich inner world which probably helps and is the subject of ongoing research).  It's always tricky to get the dosing just right for an event like this, I didn't want anyone to take too high of a dose and freak out (thankfully that did not happen), my dose was perfect, any higher and I'd want to be in the comfort of my own bed at home most likely.  But I think some of the others in our group could have used a higher dose.  Ah well, I'm just happy that everyone had a good time, everyone was completely safe and we made some beautiful, lasting memories.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there!


Links to all of my TEKs, Videos, Trip music, and frequently asked questions with answers can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22774475 (everything is made available for FREE, I do not use pay walls, support the work only if you feel like you've benefited from it and you are able to do so).




This is such a great post. Are there any plans to do another trip trip?


Your posts are amazing and insightful. I know you said you only have a few posts that I need to catch up on but my god Gordo, every one is a gem that takes time to go through. Mush luv GordoTek! From MMFAM