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We live in the age of big tech control over what you are allowed to see or say.  YouTube (owned by Google) does not like my content.  I'm growing weary of fighting them.  Also growing weary of starting over from scratch.  The worst part is their reason for deleting the channel: 

They seem to be accusing me of selling illegal drugs or providing links to sites that sell illegal drugs?  I do not understand this, as I have never sold illegal drugs nor did I have links to such.  The specific video they mentioned was my harmala extraction video, I had links to harmalas on Amazon and eBay, harmalas are completely LEGAL in the US and most other countries!  I also had a link to syrian rue seed (on eBay), which is also completely legal in the US and most other countries.

You might be thinking, OK, they made a mistake, just appeal their decision.  I have appealed, but I have never known anyone that has successfully had a decision reversed.  The appeal process is a black hole, and you can't talk to a live person.  

I have already created a new channel that only contains less controversial videos (can you do me a favor and subscribe?):


But I don't even know what the censors will accept?  For example is the Johns Hopkins protocol video acceptable to our censors or is it too dangerous?  Everything is so subjective.  I didn't really want a channel of just interviews and trip tracks, but maybe that's all I can do on their platform.  

I have decided to make ALL PREVIOUS CONTENT available to everyone, FOR FREE from right here on the patreon site.  I am going with the "NPR" model where I will just give everything away and if people feel like giving back (supporting my work), they can, but there is no pressure to do so.  

I will still be making new content and publishing it here for as long as there is interest.  I guess the audience will just be a whole lot smaller.

I am working hard to salvage things and rebuild, but it's tough.  I was laid off from my job a few months ago and having YouTube delete the channel was like kicking me while down, but I can take it.  I've never done anything so fulfilling as this endeavor, countless people have told me about how I have helped them, lives have literally been saved (people conquering depression and addiction).  People are having some of the most meaningful experiences of their lives and finding healing, inspiration, and new direction.  It's a privilege and an honor to me to be able to help others, and I will carry on.  


Hopkins Trip Music: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32638441

GordoTEK 10 hour trip music soundscape: https://www.patreon.com/posts/27495538

Mushroom Cultivation Video: patreon.com/posts/29675383

DMT Extraction: https://www.patreon.com/posts/written-out-of-21369133 

Hopkins/Griffiths/Richards protocol to help you get the most out of psychedelics, write up: patreon.com/posts/28680845 and video: https://www.patreon.com/posts/41836904 

Low Dose Mystical Experiences with DMT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22773010 

How to vape DMT / Make a Dream Maker Tool: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32798337

Extracting Harmine and Harmaline from Peganum Harmala (Syrian Rue seeds): https://www.patreon.com/posts/47185921

How to Reduce Harmaline to Tetrahydroharmine (Make your own THH): https://www.patreon.com/posts/47186323

Pharmahuasca & Pharmachanga (DMT with harmalas/MAOI/ß-carbolines, make your own ayahuasca): https://www.patreon.com/posts/19481285

Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.patreon.com/posts/22774475 




I starting supporting your work as well, should of been for sometime honestly, I really appreciate all your work, its given me so much to do thank you! You tube manipulates everything so hopefully their just giving a blessing in disguise.


bumped up my support, and subbed your alt channel. I was hoping since psilocybin laws are easing up, youtube would also ease up. Unfortunately seems their cracking down on free thought more then ever. We really need a free open alternative to youtube now more then ever. Your videos are always top notch and I hope you find the huge audience you deserve. Keep up the good work.