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I won't post an update every time one of these pops up, because I expect an endless stream of them, but of special note with this announcement of decriminalization from yet another US jurisdiction, is mention that "we are filing a state bill this month that will create a legislative task force to study statewide decriminalization".  This means the decriminalization of psychedelics statewide in Massachusetts is now officially "on the table".  If that were to happen, they would be the 2nd state (after Oregon) to do so (Washington D.C. has also decriminalized psychedelics).  I love to see this movement gaining traction, but hope that the substances are used respectfully and as safely as possible to avoid backlash if/when something goes wrong.  I guess that comes down largely to education, which is at the heart of what I try to do with my YouTube channel and this site.


Breaking: Somerville, Massachusetts Votes to "Decriminalize Nature" | DoubleBlind

Joining the national momentum to decriminalize naturally occurring psychedelics is a coalition from Massachusetts, including Bay Staters for Natural Medicine and Decriminalize Nature Massachusetts. On Thursday, they successfully brought a bill to Somerville City Council-with a vote of 9-0-to decriminalize the possession of entheogenic plants, including psilocybin mushrooms and ibogaine.


Alex Olson

I think people like you (gordo) will only continue your reach so that by the time these are widespread, there will be sort of a nice beginning of modern shamanism. I also really like Paul Stamets and a lot of his views on this field. I think he is another responsible voice that should be one of the representatives of this subject.