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I don't do a lot of "trip reports" because I don't like the idea of influencing other people's experiences as far as content goes.  The psychedelic community has a long history of doing this and in general I believe it can create a sort of "false narrative" about what people should expect when often the most meaningful experiences are generated from within, rooted deeply in your own psyche and built up though your own joys, pains and personal life experiences.  But every once in a while someone sends me a report like the one I'm about to share that I think is useful in building a positive foundation of general expectations.

 "This trip report is all thanks to GORDOTEK for guiding me through the basics to be able to have a trip like you're about to read! 🙏  

"It was my first time extracting and second time using DMT. Before I get into the trip you need to know this:  Not too long ago my father tried to off himself and it left me really mad, sad, upset, and confused.  I'm also a recovering drug addict from heroin and I'm one year and nine months clean but there are still a lot of things I haven't forgiven myself for.  I wanted to confront these things because they have been a real problem with me and I felt like in doing the extract myself I would be more connected with the experience. 

"Now for the trip.  I get to my buddy's house after having a BBQ at my house on Saturday. We go into his backyard and I take a 50mg hit and hold it in for as long as I could. 

"Once I exhaled I couldn't keep my eyes open as if something was covering its hands over my eyes... I start to see insane kaleidoscope visuals:

And I can hear my friends in the background then everything goes blank and I can slowly start to hear my buddies voices fading away. 

I'm now not in this reality and I'm completely somewhere else, I'm in a very bright orange warm and welcoming place:

I'm sitting down on the ground and then these white figures that were shaped like humans but they had no face or body parts or anything just a white silhouette and they were standing in a circle around me kinda like they were observing me. 

They proceeded to come closer and closer, then this is when things got real deep.... 

They all put their hands on me, kinda like when you pray for someone and everybody puts their hands on the person, it was exactly like that:

And once they touched me they began to show me why I was upset at the things I was upset about... about my dad, my drug use and the people I've hurt, losing my best friend Michael three months ago...

They showed me everything, and I started to ball my eyes out. 

It was like flashbacks of good memories with everybody I was mad at. 

The spirits that were all touching me were now holding me as I was crying.

And then my trip was over.

I came out of my trip crying but not because of pain, crying because I finally accepted everything that I didn't know how to accept and I am finally free of all those negative thoughts and I'm in general very very happy that I went through with that experience! Thank you for reading this! Thats my trip report and I hope you all have a great day today🙏



The first time i did LSD-25 with 6 friends one got a emergency call from home and had to drop me off at home alone with my parents sleeping. I crawled in a sleeping bag backwards and watched the show terrified and amazed at the same time. I would not wish that on anyone.

Joshua Leon

How did you prepare?