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An interesting new study was just published where researches looked at case reports of massive LSD overdoses.  Not only did these people recover OK, but there were some surprising, lasting benefits: despite the distressing experiences, there were unpredictable, positive sequelae that ranged from improvements in mental illness symptoms to a reduction in physical pain and morphine withdrawal symptoms.


A Woman Accidentally Took 550 Times The Normal LSD Dose, Case Report Details

A teenager who accidentally ingested 10 times the normal recreational dose of LSD. A 26-year-old who overdosed on the same drug, not knowing she was pregnant. A woman who took 550 LSD doses all at once, mistaking it for another drug entirely.


Joel Rosenblum

In my experience with LSD, I have found that dirty LSD is much more likely to produce anxiety and HPPD. Most people think dirty LSD is "good" LSD because it "hits hard." There is even a crazy myth that "LSD is LSD" (i.e. no difference in purity between any type of LSD makes any difference). Truly pure LSD (like Dr. Seuss 3.0) without iso-LSD feels completely different. You can sleep on it. It even has some pretty amazing medical effects such as reversing neuropathy.


I suffer from phantosmia (olfactory hallucinations) from taking 150 hits of blotter. Every once in awhile i smell the scent of the forest where i was camping. It is very distinct. I was already high and did not realize i was handed a stamp sized piece of paper that was 150 doses so i popped it in my mouth. All i can say is wow to that night.