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You know things are really going mainstream when the sharks have even jumped on board.  This new startup MindMed is focused on microdosing and oddly enough, an ibogaine analogue called "18-MC" that supposedly has the anti-addiction properties of ibogaine without the hallucinations or heart arrhythmias (which make ibogaine sometimes fatal).  It will be interesting to watch how this and similar companies navigate the regulatory waters and clinical trials for efficacy.  But the more interest the better as far as I'm concerned.


Silicon Valley's psychedelic wonder drug is almost here

"This could save lives, cure depression, help alcoholism, get people off opioids-why wouldn't I want to be invested?" Shark Tank host Kevin O'Leary is sitting across from me in a restaurant talking about a recent investment. He was part of a $6 million round in MindMed, a company that's taking psychedelic drugs and turning them into medicine.


Luke Heather

Whats your views on this Gordo? Personally I think by these corporations taking the hallucinogenic properties out of these medicines, they also remove the spiritual and inter-dimentional healing properties..Its like throwing the baby out with the bath water.


Yea I hear you, it does seem a bit odd to me, but ibogaine in particular is quite dangerous, if they can engineer some small tweak to it that retains its healing properties without the dangers, it seems like a good idea (of course controlled clinical trials will be required to prove that it is actually effective). I version of psilocybin that didn't cause hallucinations but did help treat depression would be kind of interesting, but I think the visions can and often do have a powerful impact and importance of their own. That said I kind of like what is happening so far in the industry. I feel like the commercialization of these compounds is inevitable, and not necessarily a bad thing. In fact I am impressed so far with the level of caution I am seeing generally. Usana and CompassPathways have very elaborate protocols where a patient is prepped in advance, screened for contraindications, supported during the psychedelic experience by a trained professional with care for set and setting, and receives follow up care for integration. In many ways this is a superior model compared to going to some ayahuasca retreat center in Peru or a Mushroom retreat in Jamaica. And for the "do it yourselfers" we get to learn a lot from all of the research that is happening and the controlled trials.