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This is a much more detailed look at the work being done by modern psychedelics researchers and I enjoyed seeing the results in a more personal way compared to reading a research paper.  "A New Understanding" explores the treatment of end-of-life anxiety in terminally ill cancer patients using psilocybin to facilitate deeply spiritual experiences. 

This video will also give you a better understanding of the preparation, set & setting used by the Johns Hopkins researchers and how their sessions are conducted.  Note that the sound track these researchers have used is also available in various playlists on YouTube.  At some point I would like to take those and turn it into a single, well mixed, downloadable track like I did with my mystical wonders trip track 1.


A New Understanding: The Science of Psilocybin (2019) [Full Documentary]

A New Understanding explores the treatment of end-of-life anxiety in terminally ill cancer patients using psilocybin, a psychoactive compound found in some mushrooms, to facilitate deeply spiritual experiences. The documentary explores the confluence of science and spirituality in the first psychedelic research studies since the 1970s with terminally ill patients. As a society we devote a great deal of attention to treating cancer, but very little to treating the human being who is dying of cancer. The recent resurgence of psychedelic research is once again revealing the power of compounds like psilocybin to profoundly alter our understanding of both life and death. Through the eyes of patients, their loved ones, therapists, and researchers, A New Understanding examines the use of psilocybin in a controlled setting to reduce psychospiritual anxiety, depression, and physical pain. The treatment aims to help the patient understand that a 'good' death is possible, and to help the patient's family deal well with the dying process. A New Understanding shows patients and their families coming to terms with dying through the skillful treatment of the whole human being. If we can learn to work more skillfully with dying, we will also learn to take better care of life. If you would like to support our film, it is available for purchase at: https://amazon.com/New-Understanding-Science-Psilocybin/dp/B077SN85ZB https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/A_New_Understanding_the_Science_of_Psilocybin?id=bGAGXVJysr8 https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/a-new-understanding-the-science-of-psilocybin/id1307739965 https://vimeo.com/ondemand/anewunderstanding We welcome you to join our community: https://anewunderstanding.org https://facebook.com/A.New.Understanding/ https://twitter.com/ANUmovie In association with MYTHAPHI Distribution by TIMEWHEEL



Beautiful, thanks.

Mr Edy Style

Hey Holy Community! Can you please advise. My first attempt to grow Truffles (Atlantis) everything looks super beautiful in the jars. The question is: when do truffles start to form after full colonisation. And what temperature should the jars be kept in? Thank you very much for your advise who knows about this. Thanks


I've never grown truffles (and honestly I don't know why anyone would grow them unless you live in the ONE country in the world where they are legal but regular mushrooms are not). That said, from what I've read they take anywhere from 2-5 months to form after full colonization. They seem to be less potent by weight in general compared to cubensis.