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First just wanted to let you all know my mushroom cultivation video should be done within the next week or two (I am hoping), still trying to wrap up the editing and finishing touches.  This was another massive effort as I had over 16 hours of raw video footage.  I believe it will be the only video on YouTube showing the complete process of bulk growing from spores to capsules all in one video, demonstrating the best and most current TEKs plus my own ideas not in other existing TEKs.  This has been my biggest project thus far. 

After the cultivation video, I will do a series of shorter videos on psilocybin, with a deep dive into and analysis of existing reputable, published research.  Along those lines, I found this recently published commentary from one of Dr. Griffiths (Johns Hopkins) research study volunteers an enjoyable read.  This is the first article I've come across so far that came directly from one of his study participants.


Taking mushrooms for depression cured me of my atheism

I was 12 when I first swore off religion. My friends and I loitered outside a musky wooden confessional comparing penances assigned by our sour-breathed priest. One girl stole hoop earrings from Dillard's: that meant 10 Hail Marys. A boy drank alcohol under the stadium bleachers: 50 Our Fathers.


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