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Hey people! Not sure if my small number of Patrons will get to see this post but if you do, you can submit 2 girls in the comments that have working SFM models!
Once some time has passed or if I reach 10 submissions, I will then run the poll to pick who gets an animation :)



The problem with S*mus is that Nintendad has been striking people who even dared using her outfit on Sarah Bryant. I'm a little too scared to lose my accounts just because I used one character :x

Larile Millvet

hmm could you use Sarah Bryant with differrent clothing? So remove any S*mus costumes if that's possible with the model. lol maybe even nude, so no link to Nantenda. Treat her as Sarah Bryant rather than S*mus. I like the Sarah Bryant model, more than the S*mus aspect if you get my drift.

Larile Millvet

I'll change my original suggestion to just "Sarah Bryant". Not interested in the other character the model is sometimes used for. I won't pester you any further 👍


Well, while I still have you there I'd like to have your opinion on how I should proceed. You're the only patron I have that has suggested and my only patron this month so running a vote right now would be an open and shut case since there'd be only one suggestion and one vote. So I'm not exactly sure on how to run with this idea and if you have a suggestion on how I should proceed with this suggestion/vote system feel free to share it

Larile Millvet

Start the poll right now, and also add 1 or 2 suggestions of your own. Post on twitter that you're running a poll here, AND who is in the poll. Run the poll for 2 weeks. See if that entices (or provokes 😈) more ppl to join. If at the end of the poll I'm still the only patron/voter, then extend the poll. Consider making poll suggestions a benefit of specific tiers. Add it to the descriptions of the tiers, BUT for the time being don't enforce it. Allow every tier to make suggestions until you get a "large" number of patrons. There's more refinements and issues regarding the suggestions/vote system, but this is just your starting point.


Well I'll be damned, I somehow didn't get notified for your reply here! I really like your suggestion, I'll probably proceed using your suggestion!