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Here is a video of me tributing a 100$-patron. Some of you ask me how this works / what are the conditions. 

In this kind of video, I call you by your name and give you a little message and some striptease (or what you wish for - no porn ;-)

The condition is the patron how purchased this can use it and share it as he likes to. He gets the download-link.

For all the other 10$-patrons and above, the video in a shorter version (no message and no name-calling to save privacy) is available here at my patreon-blog - but not for download.



Watch "Sunny001" on Streamable.


Frank Sanders

Whoah! I'm about to tribute in my pants 😉

Igor Famenko

The video doesn't seem to work for some reason...


Just checked it. Works fine with me... maybe try in mobile via patreon App or try different browser?