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Well, it's with only hours to spare, but we made it folks. Mostly. 

Hooo-boy, it's Hulk-time folks. The ladies had better brace themselves, 'cause that's not looking too good.

I'm sorry these pages went up so late. I usually leave Karno to his own affairs until the 14th when I check in on him, then it's usually one week to sketches and then a few days to inks. But life was pretty busy for the old Karnster this month, so we got a little bit behind. 

But hopefully no longer. Karno now was scripts up to page 72 and I'm working on the rest. I have a pretty clear picture in my mind now for the end of this chapter, but the page count usually goes up or down a bit during polishing, so I can't be very specific. This chapter will be done before the end of the year though. And then... We'll see. Plans are taking form. ;)

Best regards




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