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Well, here we are, folks. In about an hour (plus change), 2020 will officially be over. It's been... quite a ride. I'm gonna skip all the details since we are all still experiencing this mess live and not-on-TV, but hopefully it will start petering out in 2021.

Still, it wasn't all bad. After my summer vacation in 2019, I got back top work and found the inspiration to write Here there be Dragons more fleeting than usual. Oh sure, brand new chapter and all that, but I was getting back in the swing of it. And then I ran into something that I frankly had been putting off for far too long: the Oracle's prophecies. 

I know the gist of what I wanted them to say (hints ahoy), but I wanted to give them that genuine "feel" of classic prophecy, meaning they had to rhyme. 

Thank goodness I gave up on the idea of writing them in limerick form (good grief!), but I still wanted to make it sound good. Well, physical labor tends to keep a man busy, and inspiration was hard to come by, and when it did, it wasn't quite enough to handle the rhyming. I was stumped. Then, at some point in September I think, I had the inclination "Why don't I just write it down on paper, and see what I have to work with?". And as simple as that, I started working my way through the problem. With a little help of an online thesaurus and rhyming help site, I managed to crank out something I really liked. Okay, not perfect, but definitely better than what I had before. 

And now, here we are, at the end of both 2020 and my writer's block (knock on wood), and Karno has delivered the inks for the 1st of the prophecy pages, with the rest in the works as we speak... as soon as he gets over the New Year's Eve hangover of course. ;-)

So, if nothing else, 2021 should be better than this soon-to-be-last year, comic-wise anyway. See you guys and gals on the other side of midnight.

Best regards





Glad to hear all is well! Stay safe and happy new years!

Simone Spinozzi

it was welll delivered. thanks!