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Hello everyone. Long time no see.

Wow, that's one serious understatement. I disappeared for a whole year, the contents of which I will put up at a later date, as it is indeed a long story, and way to long to write this late at night. 

Suffice to say, I am now (mostly) over the hump and the muse has returned, granting me inspiration to write again. Karno has been given new scripts, and he has already produced new page sketches, which will be going up right after this. 

My sincerest apologies for the long absence and the information blackout. I hope you guys can forgive me, but i promise, 2020 is looking to be a very interesting year with some exciting changes. Oh yes, things are gettign shaken up. Stay tuned. 

Best regards




Glad to have you back


Glad to see you back! I'm eager to see what you have in store!

Marcus Dolce

No worries. We understand and are just happy that things have started to normalize in your life!


Welcome back! Can't wait to see the story continue. :3

Simone Spinozzi

Glad to see you back! (ignore previous message i was answering to another creator, but clicked on the wrong tab 😓🤦‍♂️)


this is such a relief to hear, but i think you may need to update people on FA, there are people who can't see posts like these and think something bad happened to you mate.