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Hello everyone!

The newest patch for SYS has been completed and is now out, ready for download. All Bernadette and Lexi Patrons can download this new content from here:


Today I'd like to show off the second part of the newest SYS Expansion called "Dark Essence"! But first of all, let's get into what todays content patch brings to the game. Time to unveil the character that has been teased at with the last update!

A rather average character stat-wise, however, Tienne introduces a new character ability: Quicker Revivals! As you probably know, normally when you lose a battle you will have to roll a Six next time to revive yourself and if that doesn't work, the count will be reduced to five, four etc. etc. so things get easier and eventually you will revive (unless you're SPHINX, haha).

However, Tienne will have the rolling requirement for a successful revival reduced to 4 by default! This is a very useful character ability because if you're unlucky, you can lose a lot of time trying to revive yourself and as we all know: Time is money! Playing as Tienne will make this process a lot easier.

Players probably might think that this makes building a Hospital redundant for Tienne, because building one of those has the same effect. However, it is important to remember that Hospitals will also give all of your guards 1 additional hitpoint regeneration every round and they will also reduce revive requirements for your teammates, so they still are viable!

Her second ability allows her to go shopping for free in Boutiques. This means you can stack up on 6 Running Shoes cards and have increased mobility for a long time without paying a cent! All in all I think that she's a good character to play as for newer players and I hope that she will be a good addition to the cast.

Anyway, moving away from Tienne, here is some new buyable equipment for players to use and cause hurt on the board!

The first Trap Card that can be used by anyone, this one is very similar to SPHINX's special bomb card, though it is a bit weaker. This bomb has been added to the inventory of the Gun Store for 200$, so the next time you see one why not pay it a visit and buy some bombs? Beware of Friendly Fire!

And the last new content for today's update is a new 2 Player map, called "Going for a Swim"!

I was kinda surprised at how few 2 Player Maps there actually are, so I thought we might need a new one. Similarily to the other Beach Resort Map before, this one does not have any bus stops or vacation tiles!

Okay, time to get into the second major gameplay addition of the next expansion, "Dark Essence"! In the last update it was revealed that there will be a special Tile players can visit to place curses on other players. Keeping with the spooky Halloween spirits, the expansion will also add something else: Demon Waifus!

Similarily to Fujijo with her special Federal Agent Character Class, Demons will have their own Class as well with special abilities all characters in that class will share! In this case, they will be able to consume the eponymous Dark Essence and will get stronger the more they consume! 

When playing as a Demon, you'll notice a new tab in the start turn screen.

(Note: The Chibi Demon is just a placeholder, as the work for this expansion's demon waifu hasn't been completed yet)

As you can see, you can collect up to 100 Dark Essence orbs and once you reach that number something nice (to you) will happen. So, how does all of this work exactly?

Demons feed on the despair, destruction and misfortune of other characters. Everytime someone (who isn't a demon) engages in a fight, loses a battle, attacks a building or destroys an estate, Dark Essence orbs on that Tile will be set free. Only demons can collect them and if they don't, the orbs will disappear after some time.

Depending on the violence that has taken place on that tile, there will either be more or less Dark Essence to collect. Starting a fight will generate the least amount while destroying an estate will generate the most. This introduces an interesting gameplay mechanic where one should think twice before engaging in any combat when a demon is present because the more destruction = the stronger the demons will get and they will eventually become unstoppable. So, what actually happens when you collect 100 orbs? You will get a randomly chosen permanent stat buff.

The following stats can be buffed: Attack, Defense, Evasion and even Max. HP. This is currently the only way in the entire game to actually increase your Max. HP! The fact that these buffs are permanent should now make it obvious as to why it's so dangerous to let these demons collect too much Dark Essence!

And on a last note before I sign off, here's another interesting ability of demons: They can't be cursed! Which kinda makes sense, considering that some of them are the bad ones cursing others, haha! If you go to Londyn's House and don't specifically target a character and by random chance the target of Londyn's curse will be a demon, not only will they be immune to it, they will also get all of their HP restored! So players should better absolutely make sure that these risks will have a high payoff. > : 3

So, that's all the info I can share right now! The planned release date for the Dark Essence Expansion is this October (fittingly for Halloween) and in that month there will also be the next free release for the general public which will include all updates and content from the last few months!

That's all for this update! For a complete overview of everything this patch does please refer to the changelog down below.

  • Added "Tienne" as new playable character.
  • Added the ability for custom characters to have shorter revive times when going K.O.
  • Added new useable Card "Bomb Trap" to the Gun Store for players to buy.
  • Added "Going for a Swim" as a new 2 Player Map.
  • Updated some Menu descriptions.
  • Modified SPHINX's Special Bomb Traps, they now no longer cause friendly fire.
  • Modified Game Over Mechanics, players who are now out of the game will have all of their estates return back to neutral, buyable for others.
  • Fixed a bug where non Trap Cards would spawn a trap card that doesn't do anything for a short amount of time before disappearing again.

I hope you'll have fun with the game!
Please stay tuned for further updates in the future! ('ᴗ')



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