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Greetings! It's time for another content update for Sabi Yabi Showdown!

This update is now available to all Lexi and Bernadette Patrons and can be downloaded from here:


First up: This update modifies the Property Value system and now adds benefits / consequences of certain buildings when you're playing against the AI. Depending on the personality of the character, some will befriend you when you build stuff like Parks near their estates which will increase property values. However, there are now also consequences when you build certain stuff. Buildings like Factories and Brothels might make you quick and easy money, but when you build them near properties of AI Players they will now start to dislike you and might even hate you if you keep devaluing their properties for too long.

Again, the personality of a character defines just how much more they like / dislike you when you build stuff that modifies property values. Some might not even care at all at what you're building and will just continue with their day.

Next up we have 2 new Event Cards which should spice things up a little bit more. First we have "HOUSE CLEANING".

Pretty self explanatory. It helps to have more than one card, that way you can at least decide on a less valueable card to chuck away. However, having a boatload of cards won't always help you in case this next Event Card comes into play ...

This card is sure to change up things drastically. It can be a double edged sword, if you're relying on cards a lot for a particular game then the going will be tough. On the other hand, if you don't have any cards and need to go up against opponents who have a good chunk of buff cards etc., this Event Card is bound to even the playing field for a little bit.

The last new content which has been added is a new 3 Player Map called "Queen's Carpet".

A fairly small map, it is a more safer place for characters that aren't good fighters because there is just one Dark Alley Tile. Try to avoid the corner to the right, there's only mean stuff there. If you have to go past it, try buying some running shoes from a boutique to help you travel bigger distances with every dice throw. (• ◡•)

That's the main stuff for this update! Last is a little sneak peek at what the next update will contain, muehehe!

The next update will include the first new playable character! Normally when those new ones are announced at first, it will be impossible for you to know who it will be until they're revealed, but I'm going easy on you guys this time as I'm pretty sure you know who this will be if you paid attention to the character select screen! > : )

That's all for this update, for more information please take a look at the complete Changelog:

  • Added AI Relationship Modifiers when the Computer's estate property value is being influenced by someone else. Depending on their personality you will either make them happy or anger them.
  • Added Character Taunts which will play when property values are being influenced by other estates.
  • Added "Cards Forbidden" Event Card to the random Events pool.
  • Added "House Cleaning" Event Card to the random Events pool.
  • Added "Queen's Carpet" as a new 3 Player Map.
  • When the HUD Colorizing Option is disabled the fighting screen background is now slightly darker.
  • When the AI gets a new Card from the Random Event Tile and is already holding 6 Cards and needs to discard one, it now only takes 1 Mouse Click instead of two to advance if Auto AI Event Confirmation has been disabled.
  • Changed frequency of random Taunts when nothing else is going on, they now have slightly less chances of appearing.

I hope you'll have fun with the game!
Please stay tuned for further updates in the future! ('ᴗ')



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