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"Because of fear!" Evan whispered, "You see, acceptance is a form of courage, especially when admitting such unfathomable things exist."

At that moment, they walked down a flight of stairs lined with portraits of old witches and wizards, all of whom ignored them, being engrossed in their own conversation.

"What did you say to Lavender? You didn't just stand there while they discussed such matters, did you?"

"Of course not!" said Hermione calmly. "I told her to keep her big fat mouth shut and stop gossiping."

Evan chuckled. It was indeed typical of Hermione to react that way!

"However, I still have some concerns about this matter. I thought about it for a long time last night." Hermione continued, "We can prevent them from openly discussing this, but people will still talk in secret. Dumbledore once said, Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust."

"You're right. Unity is the key to overcoming all difficulties," Evan nodded in agreement.

Behind Voldemort and the Second Wizarding War, there were even more terrible evil gods, and it was crucial to unite.

"But You-Know-Who’s only been back for less than half a year; he hasn’t taken action yet, and we’ve started fighting among ourselves!" said Hermione, feeling disheartened. But she quickly regained her composure and continued, "Evan, I think we should make efforts to unite Gryffindor internally and with the other Houses."

"Well, that’s indeed the most important thing at present." Evan agreed, "What do you have in mind?"

"We have to make full use of the status of Head Boy and prefect. This time, organizing the first-years together is an opportunity and a good start. We can instill the concept of unity in them. We can also help them familiarize with the school, get used to their homework, and so on. This kind of activity can be carried out on a long-term basis. With more interaction, friendships will naturally form," Hermione proposed.

Hermione's idea seemed somewhat presumptuous, but it was better than doing nothing. It should yield some results.

Last night, many first-years stood up to support them, which left a deep impression on Evan.

In addition, he planned to unite those who were willing to be united and help those who believed in them to enhance their abilities.

It was obviously unrealistic to make everyone stronger, but it was feasible to train a small number of elites, just like what was known as "Dumbledore's Army".

As they walked, Evan shared this idea with Hermione.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, Evan handed the notice to the prefects of the other three Houses, asking them to go back and post it. They were to gather the first-year students of their respective Houses at the gate of the castle on the weekend.

Draco Malfoy seemed hesitant, but finally accepted the notice and agreed to cooperate with Evan.

Regardless of public opinion, as long as Evan demonstrated sufficient strength, at least no one would dare oppose him openly.

What happened in the Gryffindor Common Room spread quickly throughout Hogwarts. The Great Hall was filled with hushed whispers as usual. Many people stole glances at Evan, quickly averting their gaze when he looked their way.

It was indeed frustrating, but Evan remained unfazed.

For these gazes and discussions, just ignore them, and treat these people as non-existent.

To do that, no doubt required a strong heart.

Until now, Harry had not been able to do that like Evan, and the enchanted ceiling above them echoed Harry’s mood; it was a miserable rain-cloud gray.

This morning, before Harry even got up, Seamus had left the dormitory early.

Everyone was avoiding him along the way, and a line of sixth-year Ravenclaws was crossing the entrance hall; they caught sight of Harry and hurried to form a tighter group, as though frightened he might attack stragglers.

The current situation was worse than when the Basilisk was wreaking havoc inside the castle. At least back then, the students from pure-blood families didn't have to worry about Harry; everyone knew that the Slytherin’s Heir wouldn't harm pure-blood opponents...

But now, judging by the way these people were acting, it was unclear whether they feared Voldemort or Evan and Harry.

"Look at them, do they think I'm going to cast a Killing Curse, or they’ll turn into nutters if they stay with me too long?" Harry grumbled, sitting opposite Evan and Hermione, with Ron and Colin beside him.

"Don't let it bother you. As long as we know we're in the right, it's enough," Evan reassured.

"Ron, Evan and I discussed it just now, and decided to lead all the first-years to visit the school this weekend, and the prefects must participate." Hermione followed, pulling a plate of toast toward her," Harry, will you join us?"

Before Harry could answer, a tall black girl with long, braided hair had marched up to him.

"Hi, Angelina." Everyone hurriedly greeted.

"Hi… good summer?" she said briskly. And without waiting for an answer, “Listen, I’ve been made Gryffindor Quidditch Captain!"

"Nice one," said Harry, grinning at her. That was the best news he'd heard since returning to Hogwarts.

He suspected Angelina’s pep talks might not be as long-winded as Oliver Wood’s had been, which could only be an improvement.

Ron and Colin also stopped to look at her. The captain of the Quidditch team was always one of the most popular figures in the House, especially as the tryouts for the team were just around the corner. Angelina had full authority in such matters.

"We need a new Keeper now Oliver’s left." Angelina lived up to everyone's expectations and said directly, "Tryouts are on Friday at five o’clock and I want the whole team there, all right, Harry? Then we can see how the new person will fit in."

"No problem!" Harry quickly agreed.

"Can we come and watch?" Colin asked.

"Of course, those who want to visit can gather at the pitch; or even sign up for the selection directly." Angelina said, eyeing the slender Colin. "But your build might not be suitable for a Keeper. By the way, Evan, will you be joining us?"

"I'd rather not. You know I'm afraid of heights!" Evan replied. "But I'll definitely come to watch!"

"Alright then!" Angelina waved and turned to leave.

“I’d almost forgotten Wood had left," said Hermione, finishing her bread.

"Hermione, Harry and I discussed it last night, sitting here with you right next to me," said Ron, "I didn't expect Angelina to replace Wood as captain, but she's definitely the most qualified."


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