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Simply stating the return of Voldemort was not feasible; no one would be willing to believe it.

Forced disclosure of the truth would only arouse public revulsion.

Especially in the current situation, under the guidance of Fudge, the wizarding world was almost one-sided in condemning Dumbledore, Evan, and Harry.

Everyone thought the three of them were crazy, spreading panic-inducing rumors, and undermining the peace and stability of the wizarding world.

Public opinion needed guidance. Since Fudge and the Ministry could do it, so could Evan and the others.

Besides, what they wanted to announce was the truth and could withstand the test of time.

They had to proceed step by step. The fact that Harry was attacked by Dementors would arouse the interest of some people.

Ordinary people did not trust Dementors and were very sensitive. The matter of uncontrolled Dementors would attract their attention.

This was just the beginning. Next, Evan would prepare a series of reports on the recent stupidity and omissions of the Ministry of Magic, as well as the suspicious aspects of the Death Eaters, putting pressure on public opinion and popularizing the knowledge of Defense Against the Dark Arts by the way.

If the effect could be achieved in one step, it was naturally the best. If not, it could attract everyone's attention.

The explanation given by the Ministry of Magic was bound to have great loopholes in the series of influences brought about by Voldemort's return.

When these loopholes piled up little by little, they would cause public dissatisfaction.

Evan believed that when a large-scale escape from Azkaban would occur a few months later, they could start a full counterattack.

At that time, the Daily Prophet, which had been telling lies all the time, would be completely trampled on by Evan. If a newspaper was proved to have lost its authenticity, no one would want to order it no matter how long its history was.

Evan was even thinking if he could make a sum of money to buy the Daily Prophet.

"Two uncontrolled Dementors ran to the Muggles’ neighborhood and attacked Harry Potter. Because of this, he’s going to the Ministry of Magic for hearing. This sounds really interesting," said Rita. "You want me to extend this to the Ministry of Magic?"

She pushed her glasses up and looked at Evan with keen eyes, understanding what he intended to do.

"That's your specialty. Because we believe in your ability, we came to you to cooperate," said Evan.

Rita was indeed very strong in making rumors and groundless allegations.

She knew what the public needed, and what she wrote could naturally gain their trust.

Like Mrs. Weasley, she kept saying that Rita's reports were nonsense, but she believed in other articles she wrote.

Rita Skeeter had this ability, otherwise Evan and Hermione would not have asked her to write this report.

"Well, do I have the right to refuse?" Rita asked shrewdly.

"I don't think so!"

"As you know very well, we’ll report that you are an unregistered Animagus," said Hermione calmly, putting down her drink. "The Daily Prophet might give you rather a lot for an insider’s account of life in Azkaban and confirm whether the Dementors are still under the control of the Ministry of Magic?"

At Hermione's words, Rita's mouth muscles twitched.

If she knew that the two people in front of her were also illegal Animagus, it was unknown how she would feel.

"All my reports can be published in Hogwarts Magic? You're willing to give me the same pay as the Daily Prophet?"

"Of course, I can open a column for you, but only if you don’t write any more reports for the Daily Prophet," said Evan.

"Well, give me the material you’ve got about Potter's attack, and I can give you this report in the evening." Rita took the material from Evan’s hand, and the Quick-Quotes Quill recorded on the parchment.

Looking at her, it seemed that she intended to complete this report in the Leaky Cauldron.

For sure, she did not like Evan and Hermione, but at least she didn't need to have a problem with money.

After communicating with Rita, Evan and Hermione entered Diagon Alley and walked to Flourish and Blotts.

They were going to look for books about making broomsticks, and see if there were any other books of interest.

Regardless of Gold Galleons and the load, Hermione seemed to plan to pack up the entire Flourish and Blotts.

Because the two people dealt with Rita together, the relationship between her and Evan was no longer so tense. Especially when she devoted her attention to the magic books, she forgot about last night.

From time to time, she asked Evan about his opinion on a book to decide whether to buy it.

Hermione's appearance made Evan realize that shifting focus was more useful than direct explanation.

Especially when you were shopping with your girlfriend, paying the bill first would make her feel happy and forgive your little mistakes.

In the end, the two of them bought so many magic books and left an order list before leaving Flourish and Blotts.

"What are we doing next?" Evan asked, paying attention to Hermione's expression. "It's still early, so don't worry about meeting Lupin. How about sitting at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor for a while?"

Now that Hermione had returned to normal and did not mention last night’s incident, Evan would naturally not take the initiative to mention it.

"I need new robes, and so do you!" said Hermione, after hesitating. "My other clothes are also a little smaller. My mother used to accompany me to buy them every summer, but this year, she didn't have time. She gave me a sum of money..."

Indeed, this was necessary.

Because they were growing up fast, their clothes became smaller and did not fit them this year.

It was already difficult for Evan to wear his clothes last year, and a large part of his wrist was exposed.

As for Hermione, she needed to buy new clothes, including underwear, or she would feel them uncomfortable tightening her body.

Evan discovered this when traveling to Egypt. Hermione kept almost all of her clothes with him.

"We can buy the robes at Madam Malkin's. As for the other clothes..." Hermione said hesitantly, "These clothes must be tried on in person to determine if they fit. I want to see a Muggle shop, where there are more styles."

She was too embarrassed to say that she wanted to buy underwear, but only vaguely said 'other clothes'.

Every year, Hermione went to buy them with her mother during the holidays. This year, she went to Egypt with Evan, so naturally she didn't have time.

She originally planned to ask Mrs. Weasley to buy them for her, but this kind of thing really needed to be tried for sure.

Besides, she had seen Ginny's underwear, and the styles of the wizarding world were not quite what she liked.

If it was Evan, it didn’t seem to be a problem if he went with her...

In fact, if Harry and Ron were here, they would definitely tell Hermione to buy a few more robes, and there was no need for other clothes in the school.

But Evan understood that Hermione wanted to buy underwear.

It was alright to accompany her, but there was one problem. He didn’t have much experience in this field.

If Hermione asked for his opinion as before, what should he say?


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