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Compared to Harry's worries, Evan was very relaxed.

Because of the recent publicity, the issue of Harry's imminent hearing had attracted the attention of the entire wizarding world. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for Fudge to arbitrarily convict Harry, and not to mention Dumbledore was there.

"We’ll be out tomorrow morning at six o'clock!" said Mrs. Weasley during dinner on Wednesday evening. "Evan and Harry, I’ve ironed your best clothes. You’ll wear them tomorrow morning. Especially you, Harry, and I want you to wash your hair tonight too. A good first impression can work wonders."

Evan’s interrogation and Harry’s trial were for tomorrow. Originally, Mrs. Weasley would not let them go, but when it spread out, and even after Evan received the letter for questioning from the Ministry of Magic, everyone could go with them.

Evan even asked Rita to follow and record the whole hearing process. He wondered if Fudge would agree.

"How are we getting there?" Harry asked, putting down the chops he was eating.

"Arthur’s taking you to work with him," said Mrs. Weasley, turning her voice in a stern tone, "Fred and George, this is not a joke. You two don’t make trouble for your dad tomorrow. Don't..."

"We know, Mum!" said Fred. "We won't do anything tomorrow."

"Don't worry, we’ve been to Dad's office many times and know the rules of the Ministry of Magic," said George.

Their promises were very unreliable, and Evan knew that they were planning to visit Percy's office...

They had been holding their breath about Percy's falling out with the family, hoping not to make a big mess.

"You can stay in my office tomorrow. I'm not sure if the Department will let you watch Evan and Harry being heard. Normally it should be OK..." said Mr. Weasley, "but the wind is very tight now. I have no news at all."

Since Fudge and Dumbledore broke up, he’d been almost pushed to the edge in the Ministry, and his life was very difficult.

But it didn’t make any difference. Mr. Weasley had never been highly regarded within his department.

As long as he did his job well, Fudge couldn’t do anything to him, nor could he drive him home.

Even if there was a job change, the entire Ministry of Magic could not find a position worse than Mr. Weasley's Department.

The next morning, at five o'clock, Evan got out of bed.

He found that Harry was awake, sitting there immobile, as though worried about the upcoming hearing.

"Good morning, Harry!" said Evan. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," said Harry in a low voice.

"Don't worry, we have solid evidence. In a few hours’ time, you’ll be cleared!"

"I know!" Harry nodded vaguely again, seeming to have just reacted, "Good morning, Evan!"

He leapt out of bed and put on his glasses.

Mrs. Weasley had already laid out his freshly laundered jeans and T-shirt at the foot of his bed. Harry scrambled into them.

Evan also got up and put on his clothes. He saw Ron lying sprawled on his back with his mouth wide open, and he was sleeping deeply.

Harry put on his clothes and shook him, waking him up.

"Is it time already?" said Ron, turning over again, struggling to get up and teetering.

"It's five o'clock, and there's still another hour. I checked my watch.”

"Then I’ll lie down for a while, and I’ll get up at half past five. I don't have to go so early." Ron fell heavily again.

Evan and Harry looked at him and left the room. When they came to the kitchen, Mr. Weasley, Bill, Lupin, and Tonks were sitting there. They were all fully dressed and Mrs. Weasley was bringing out the breakfast she’d just made.

"You woke up really early. Come over and have breakfast!" she said as she pulled out her wand and hurried over to the fire.

“M-m-morning, Evan, Harry,” yawned Tonks. Her hair was blonde and curly this morning. “Sleep all right?"

"Very good," said Harry, who actually stayed up all night, thinking about it over and over.

"You don't seem to have slept?" Evan asked her, sitting beside Lupin.

“Yeah, I’ve b-b-been up all night,” she said, with another shuddering yawn. “Come and sit down, Harry."

She drew out a chair, knocking over the one beside it in the process.

“What do you want?” Mrs. Weasley called. “Porridge? Muffins? Kippers? Bacon and eggs? Toast?"

“Just toast, thanks,” said Harry.

"I want Bacon and eggs, and some toast by the way." Evan’s appetite had not been affected at all.

Lupin glanced at them, then said to Tonks, “What were you saying about Scrimgeour?"

“Oh … yeah … well, we need to be a bit more careful, he’s been asking Kingsley and me funny questions yesterday!" said Tonks. "What does Kingsley think happened to him? Scrimgeour is a great Auror."

In the past war years when the Ministry of Magic fought against Voldemort, Scrimgeour was a very strong Auror second only to Moody.

He was now Head of the Auror Office, and Evan had met him at the Quidditch World Cup before.

"It’s important to note that he and Fudge are not on the same side, but he will not agree with our views." Lupin continued.

They didn't ask Evan and Harry to join the conversation, and the two ate their breakfast silently.

Concerning the hearing at the Ministry of Magic, Lupin did not plan to accompany them.

His identity as a werewolf was very sensitive, and it would have a negative effect if he could not get the trust of the wizards.

Mrs. Weasley brought up pieces of toast and marmalade, then looked critically at Evan and Harry.

"Dear, your clothes need to be sorted out. You must make a good impression."

She started to pay extra attention to their T-shirts, mainly to Harry's, tucking in the label and smoothing out creases across the shoulders.

Harry was a bit unnatural and wished she wouldn't.

“… and I’ll have to tell Dumbledore I can’t do night duty tomorrow, I’m just t-t-too tired,” Tonks said, yawning hugely again.

“I’ll cover for you,” said Mr. Weasley. “I’m okay, I’ve got a report to finish anyway..."

"Well, you two, can you go up and wake up those slackers, how long do they want to sleep?" said Mrs. Weasley, looking at Tonks discontentedly, she didn't want Harry and Evan to know anything about it.

So Evan and Harry climbed the stairs again.

"I'll go up and call Ron, Fred, and George," said Harry, walking to the second floor. "You call Hermione and Ginny."

Evan nodded, walked to the door of their room and knocked gently, but no one responded.

It seemed that the two of them were sleeping deeply...


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