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With the rapid development of the Muggle world, the fusion of magic and science was gradually accelerating.

As early as a few decades ago, everyone in the wizarding world still dismissed Muggles.

In the eyes of many wizards, Muggles were synonymous with weakness, ignorance, and backwardness, just like barbarians.

Their understanding of Muggles mostly remained rooted in the Middle Ages, thinking that Muggles were still hunting and abusing witches and wizards and burning them everywhere.

There had even been calls in the wizarding world to use Time-Turners to go back to the past to save witches and change history...

But now, whether willing to admit it or not, there had been many Muggle-designed machines entering the wizarding world.

For example, the printing machine used was born from the improvement of Muggle design.

Another example was the introduction of the magical radio, which directly promoted the development of the radio industry.

Corresponding to this, various industries had also developed rapidly, and the Weird Sisters had become popular because of the radio.

There was also the flying motorcycle, which had just entered the wizarding world before Sirius was imprisoned in Azkaban. It was originally a common thing in the Muggle world, but it became a luxury in the wizarding world. It was once considered as a substitute for the broom.

Evan didn't know how much Sirius had spent on that motorcycle, but that was definitely not a small sum.

In fact, he used most of the money his uncle Alphard had left him.

Sirius had once told Evan and Harry that after he’d run away from home, his uncle left him a decent amount of gold.

Measured by the wealth base of the Black family, what he called "decent" was actually a large amount of money.

Unfortunately, in the end, because of the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, things such as flying cars and flying motorcycles were not allowed to be produced and used. Those things flying around in the sky were easily found out by Muggles.

The most direct impact of this was that the large-scale integration of magic and science came to an abrupt end and only became popular in a small area.

This was the new policy promoted by Fudge at the beginning of his coming to power, and it was also his biggest political move. It had been welcomed by many pure-blood wizards and it could be regarded as a disguised appeasement and compromise, which was conducive to the internal stability of the wizarding world and was convenient for focusing on post-war reconstruction.

The core of the traditionally conservative pure-blood wizard family and Voldemort’s theory of magical pure-blood was the complete rejection of Muggle technology. They even called for the conquest of the Muggle world and the destruction of these things called “technology”.

If Voldemort completely ruled the wizarding world, then it would be sooner or later to start a war with Muggles.

This was really stupid. Evan agreed to strengthen management, but this one-size-fits-all approach was not worth advocating.

Whether to admit it or not, science and machines were developing very fast and had surpassed magic in many ways.

The wizarding world should actively introduce technology to promote the development of wizarding civilization.

If he had the ability in the future, he would definitely recommend that the Ministry of Magic revise the law and promote the integration of magic and scientific products, such as the introduction of computers, televisions, and the use of mechanical engines on broomsticks.

They stared at the out of order automatic ticket machines for a while, and finally bought their Underground train tickets from a sleepy-looking guard. Evan, Harry and Hermione handled the transaction as the Weasleys were not very good with Muggle money.

Five minutes later, they were boarding an Underground train that rattled them off toward the center of London.

Mr. Weasley kept anxiously checking and rechecking the Underground map above the windows. Ron and Ginny looked as nervous as him, while Fred and George were looking unscrupulously at the sleepy Muggles. These people were ordinary office workers, and they had never seen so many Muggles.

“Four stops, Harry … three stops left now … two stops to go, Harry ... should we get ready to get off?" said Mr. Weasley excitedly.

Finally, they got off at a station in the very heart of London, swept from the train in a tide of besuited men and women carrying briefcases.

At this point, the Weasleys were so excited that they kept looking around.

When using the escalator, the discussion was even more endless. Looking at their expressions, the people around must be thinking that they came from the countryside and had never seen the Underground train or the escalator in their entire life; otherwise they would definitely not have made such a fuss.

Evan had to remind Fred and George not to drop what they had in their pockets…

Up the escalator they went, through the ticket barrier, and there was another discussion at the stile. Mr. Weasley was delighted with the way the stile swallowed his ticket, trying to figure out the principle.

It took them ten minutes to emerge onto a broad street lined with imposing-looking buildings, already full of traffic.

Not far away was a huge square, with huge electronic signboards hanging on the outer walls of towering buildings, on which all kinds of advertisements were displayed. The high-rise buildings, signboards and crowds were mixed together, dazzling.

Ron opened his mouth wide and looked around in shock. He’d been to Kings Cross Station, but had never been to the center of London. He’d never imagined seeing such a shocking scene.

He looked up at the tall building, and suddenly felt a little dizzy, and quickly grabbed Harry to prevent himself from falling down.

In his heart, it was the first time he had such a terrible feeling about Muggles...

"Fascinating, isn’t it?" said Mr. Weasley, looking around blankly. "But where are we?"

For one heart-stopping moment, they all thought they had gotten off at the wrong station despite Mr. Weasley’s continual references to the map.

If that were the case, it would be terrible. Seven wizards were stranded in the center of London...

Evan was a little familiar with the square. His father's company headquarters seemed to be nearby. But he hadn't been here for a long time, and he couldn't distinguish the north, south, east and west.

The last time he’d gone to the Ministry of Magic, he’d passed by the fireplace in Dumbledore’s office...

"Ah, I remember. This way, kids!" said Mr. Weasley, leading them down a side road.

“Sorry,” he said, “but I never come by train and it all looks rather different from a Muggle perspective. As a matter of fact I’ve never even used the visitor’s entrance before."

They walked forward. About fifteen minutes later, the buildings on both sides of the street gradually became smaller and less imposing.

Finally, they reached a street that contained several rather shabby-looking offices, a pub, and an overflowing dumpster.

"Here we are," said Mr. Weasley brightly.

"Is it here?" Harry thought the Ministry of magic was in a much more imposing place, just like the square they had seen earlier.


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