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The influence of the brooms in the wizarding world was similar to that of the world-famous automobile brands in the Muggle world.

If Evan’s idea could be realized, then he would have enough strength and influence to mobilize the resources of the entire wizarding world.

After defeating Voldemort, he could use this influence to fight against the evil gods and the terrible war to come.

This was not something that could yield results in the short term, but once it reached a certain scale, the effect of this influence would be beyond imagination.

He didn’t need to do this to fight Voldemort, but he had to concentrate all the forces in the wizarding world to face the evil gods.

Great wizards like Dumbledore were respected, but not everyone necessarily agreed with him, or followed every word he said. This time, Fudge and the Ministry of Magic's disagreement and counterattack were the best examples.

As for Voldemort's way of conquering the world, he couldn’t bring everyone together. He could only attract those wizards who were greedy for power and strength, and were evil or malicious in nature.

Only by integrating everyone's own interests into it could everyone's enthusiasm be mobilized.

In addition to this, Evan had always felt that the wizarding world was too conservative. If there was a suitable platform, he could combine more Muggle machinery supplies and magic in everything to promote the development of the wizarding world. The production of brooms was a good opportunity.

He was going to entrust the designed broom parts to Muggle manufacturers to produce them according to fixed models and specifications.

After taking them back, he would cast charms and carve runes on them.

It was conceivable that this would save a considerable part of the cost and make Evan’s broom brand more competitive.

This was more obvious in household and entertainment brooms, and ordinary wizards were more concerned about the price/performance ratio.

As for the brooms used in competitions, he had to strive for perfection, use the best craftsmanship, and complete them by hand.

While Evan was thinking about the feasibility of this matter, Hermione was looking around, nervously watching Harry.

She knew nothing about broomsticks, even less than Evan.

After Kreacher left, the atmosphere in the room was a bit off. Harry was definitely still angry about what had happened this summer and wanted to talk to them about this topic. Both Hermione and Ron could feel it. Only Evan was really interested in the brooms in front of him for unknown reasons.

"Harry, he seemed to think it was best," said Hermione rather breathlessly. "Dumbledore, I mean."

She broke the awkward silence, hoping they would not be just standing there like strangers.

"Right,” said Harry, putting back the broom in his hand. "He always has his reasons."

"I think he thought you were safest with the Muggles." Ron followed, wrinkling his nose.

"Yeah?" said Harry, raising his eyebrows. "Have either of you been attacked by Dementors this summer?"

"Well, no … but that’s why he’s had people from the Order of the Phoenix tailing you all the time!" said Ron hurriedly.

Harry felt a great jolt in his guts as though he had just missed a step going downstairs. Looking at it this way, everyone knew that he was being followed except him.

"It didn’t work that well, did it?" said Harry, doing his utmost to keep his voice even. "I had to look after myself after all, didn’t I?"

"You don't know; he was so angry when he got the news!" said Ron in an almost awestruck voice. "Ginny told me she saw him. When he found out Mundungus had left before his shift had ended. He was scary."

"Well, I’m glad he left," Harry said coldly. "If he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have done magic and Dumbledore would probably have left me at Privet Drive all summer."

There was another moment of silence. Hermione and Ron didn't know what to say. Evan was still thinking about the brooms.

"Harry, aren’t you worried about the Ministry of Magic hearing?” said Hermione quietly.

"No." Harry lied defiantly. He walked away from them to look at the brooms in the cabinet, with Hedwig nestled contentedly on his shoulder.

On the wall between two brooms, there was a blank stretch of canvas in an ornate picture frame.

As Harry passed it, he thought he heard someone lurking out of sight snigger, as though laughing at his stubbornness.

“So why has Dumbledore been so keen to keep me in the dark?” Harry asked, still trying hard to keep his voice casual. “Did you … er … bother to ask him at all?"

He glanced up just in time to see Hermione and Ron exchanging a look that told him he was behaving just as they had feared he would, Hermione even pushed Evan. And this did nothing to improve Harry’s temper.

"We told Dumbledore we wanted to tell you what was going on," said Ron. "We did, mate. I went with Fred and George, but he’s really busy now. We’ve only seen him twice since we came here and he didn’t have much time, he just made us swear not to tell you important stuff when we wrote. He said the owls might be intercepted..."

"He could still have kept me informed if he’d wanted to," Harry said roughly, interrupting Ron, and raising his voice. "You’re not telling me he doesn’t know ways to send messages without owls."

"Yeah, we must admit that he just didn’t want you to know anything!" Hermione said sharply.

"But why? Maybe he thinks I can't be trusted," said Harry, watching their expressions.

"Don't be thick," said Ron, looking highly disconcerted.

"Or that I can't take care of myself."

"Of course he doesn’t think that!" said Hermione anxiously, pushing Evan again.

She and Ron were totally unable to convince Harry that things were going in the worst direction.

"Actually, Dumbledore does have concerns about this," said Evan, who didn't intend to be involved.

But if Harry was not convinced, it would only make things worse, and he would definitely try every means to find out the truth.

He had to make it up by himself for Dumbledore's omission.

"Do you remember those dreams that you had last term? They were dreams from Voldemort's perspective, seeing him killing someone or doing something evil."

"You told me at the time that it was because of the magical connection between me and him, because of the scar." Harry said.

He was a little embarrassed. Evan had been helping him learn Occlumency, but he hadn’t made any progress until now.

The only good thing was that since Voldemort's resurrection, those nightmares had disappeared and never reappeared.

But thinking about it carefully, was that really a good thing?


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