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"Give me a break, Hermione!" Ron sighed.

"Hermione, when are you going to give up on this spew stuff?" Harry asked.

"When house-elves have decent wages and working conditions!" She said earnestly, shaking the roster in front of Harry. "I've got a lot of supporters now, and they all think my ideas are right.”

Harry saw his name, Hermione’s, Evan’s and Ron’s on the top of the list.

Evan was the President, Hermione was the Vice-President, Harry was the Secretary, and Ron is the Treasurer.

This was Hermione's initial organizational structure, and there were many Gryffindor students below.

Even Gabrielle’s name was written on it. She was the first foreign member of Hermione’s organization.

But Harry was surprised to find that more names he didn't know were densely filled with pages.

These were all the wizards who spontaneously wrote to Hermione asking to join S.P.E.W. after seeing the reports in the newspaper.

Hermione had been in charge of a special edition on Hogwarts Magic, focused on protecting the rights and interests of house-elves. The effect of the special edition gradually became apparent. At the beginning, everyone thought that Hermione was mad, wanting wages and holidays for the house-elves.

However, as Hermione persistently stated her position, more and more people began to identify with her. To be fair, everyone agreed that Hermione had a bit of a point and was brave enough to say such words against the ancient traditions of the wizarding world that had been passed on for centuries.

Nowadays, times were different. Whether it was the Ministry of Magic or the mainstream society in the magic circle, there were more and more Muggle apprentices wizards.

Gone were the dark days when pure-blood wizards held all power and judgment.

As one of the worst habits left over from the old system, the status of house-elves really needed to be changed.

With Hermione’s efforts, this was the result so far, but there were more wizards against her. She received dozens of mails almost every week, with unpleasant and insulting words.

"We now have 300 members. This is a great achievement." said Hermione excitedly, as she wrote back to her supporters. "I think it's time for more direct action. I wonder how one could get to the school’s kitchen.”

“No idea, ask Fred and George,” said Harry, "Evan should know too."

Hermione lapsed into thoughtful silence, while Harry drank his butterbeer, watching the people in the pub.

All of them looked cheerful and relaxed. Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott were swapping Chocolate Frogs cards at a nearby table; both of them sporting “Support Cedric Diggory!” badges on their robes.

Right over by the door, he saw Cho Chang and a large group of her Ravenclaw friends. Harry couldn't help thinking that if he had become a champion, maybe Cho Chang would cheer for him…

Ron was lying there, with no intention to communicate with others, nor did he want to talk to Harry and Hermione.

He was now very depressed and in a terrible mood, feeling unshakable anxiety and fear.

Those people out there just needed to see him, and they would attack him with a badge or words from the newspaper.

He had had enough of this, especially with him about to face a dragon! Ron realized, for the first time, that becoming a champion was not that good of thing.

He didn't want to go out there and humiliate himself. He didn't have any chance unless Evan could lend him the Philosopher's Stone.

"The Philosopher's Stone!" Ron murmured.

He couldn't help thinking that if he got the Philosopher's Stone, he could also get the honors like Evan now.

In fact, the idea was extremely exciting.

Evan had said before that the Four Founders of Hogwarts left a secret treasure key each, which was the Philosopher’s Stone.

Ron felt that he could also get a piece, and even reach the more exciting secret treasure. This might be his only chance to become a powerful wizard.

He had dreamed more than once of acquiring those treasures by himself...

Evan led Gabrielle to the bar, and the pretty landlady, Madam Rosmerta, warmly greeted them both.

Gabrielle chose a drink, and Evan saw that Hagrid and Caresius as Professor Moody were also sitting at the bar.

Hagrid had his usual enormous tankard in front of him, and Caresius was drinking the Polyjuice Potion from Moody's hip flask he carried with him.

Madam Rosmerta seemed to be very dissatisfied with this, and she was looking askance at Caresius.

Looking at her expression, she probably thought that Moody drinking other wine in her pub was an insult to her.

"We were just trying to find you, Evan!" said Hagrid, his eyes brightening, he leaned over and whispered mysteriously, "Tell Ron to meet me tonight at midnight at my cabin. Remember to wear Harry's invisibility cloak, I have something to show him."

When Hagrid finished, he straightened up and said aloud, "Nice to meet you, Evan. See you next week!”

“Good luck!" said Caresius softly, leaving with Hagrid.

Evan and Gabrielle, carrying their butterbeer, went back to the small table in the corner and told Harry, Ron and Hermione about it.

"Hagrid wants me to go to his cabin at midnight?" said Ron with amazement, "Why?!"

"Probably because of the dragon," Evan replied.

Obviously, under the persuasion of Caresius, Hagrid finally made up his mind to tell Ron secretly about it. But it was also very likely that he had intended to do so.

"I won’t go..." said Ron stubbornly, "There’s no dragon at all."

"It's not a bad thing to have a look, Ron. We'll all go with you!" said Hermione, "Hagrid definitely wants to tell us important information about the task. Even if it's not a dragon, it could be some other monster. We need to be prepared in advance."

Harry agreed, and Ron muttered and fell down again.

If he still had a glimmer of hope now, then after they met Sirius, that glimmer of hope vanished.

By three o'clock in the afternoon, the five of them left the Three Broomsticks Inn to meet Sirius at the Shrieking Shack. At Sirius's suggestion, they met secretly.

When they climbed the hill to the Shrieking Shack, Sirius was already there waiting for them, just as they had met for the first time last year, when he was hiding in this haunted house.

Gabrielle was excited to see Sirius. She had read a lot about him in the newspaper before.

More excited than Gabrielle was Harry. He hurriedly asked, "Sirius, how have you been doing lately?"

"Not bad." said Sirius solemnly, "You’ve been okay recently, haven’t you?"


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