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 Hey guys, I'm re-posting this and giving it a featured tag so that new patrons have easy access to it.

A few things that are worth noting:

-All regular reward chapters will be posted on the days mentioned in the schedule.

-The schedule follows Pacific Time. 

-Like you have chosen, extra chapters for tiers 7 and up will be posted on the  scheduled days.

Thank you all for your amazing support. Love you guys! Cheers ^^




Im new so i dont understand the schedule would anyone mind explaining?


Hey, before anything, welcome to Translating_Wizard :D Thanks a lot for your support and I hope you enjoy the chaps ^^ So to read the schedule, you should only read the row corresponding to the month we're in. now this is July, a 31 days month. So, you go to the 1st row. The days highlighted in red are the ones on which I release mandatory chapters. for example, today, the 23rd, you'll be having a chapter! On 31 day months, you get 21 chapters per month, while on all other months, you get 20. That's the minimum, sometimes I post more (like this month). Also, every month, tiers 7, 8 and 9 get more chapters as explained in their description. Again, thx for your support, and feel free to ask me whatever you want!


I want more please 30 chapters per day 🐽🐷


Haha okay 2 please