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  • 0001-0400.mp4



So I plan to have some internal shots in a piece that is otherwise POV
And the only problem that comes to mind is the VR version.
The way I do these internals wouldn't really work for VR, so would you guys want me to include these scenes in a flatter video format between VR bits? Or maybe try removing the fisheye effect for those scenes to try and capture some depth still? Would be interested to hear your thoughts, (internals preview test attatched)



how so? if the problem is clipping then reduce the size of the clip start under lens in camera data, thats if your using blender, because this solution tends to work for me when trying internals here is what it looks like, credits to white person for model https://mega.nz/file/dE0SlY6T#xzOURteoIdoNpPm3AoA9mGkRb7t8W5tkvmFx-mom1SU


Some people add flat panel on the side od vr vision but it might be hard to pull out


It's not so much clipping as it is the fact that looking up and down would let you see how the internal is being made, and kinda ruin the immersion